爵士岛咖啡海河天街店部分股份 转让及合作经营合同 甲方代表:王映正 乙方代表:罗成林 为进一步扩大爵士岛咖啡海河天街店经营规模和效益,经甲乙双方友好协商,现将该店股份转让和合作经营的相关事宜,达成如下协议,供所有合伙人共同遵照执行: 股份转让部分 一、甲乙双方确认,甲方投资经营的爵士岛咖啡海河天街店经营项目总资产为3800000.00元(大写:叁佰捌拾万元正),其中包含上交海河天街管理公司保证金500000.00元(大写:伍拾万元正),2015年8月至2016年4月上交海河天街房租待返还243000.00元(贰拾肆万叁仟元正),该店所有资产及爵士岛总部加盟费用,总负债为11000.00元(大写:壹万壹仟元正)。具体见经甲乙双方确认的资产清单、负债表和办会员卡汇总表(会员卡金额超过1万元部分,由甲方在分红中扣取,乙方按比例进行
《酒吧与餐厅设计2(英文版)》内容简介:In the first case one is longing for a place Ray Oldenburg oncedescribed as the third place. A place in which one acts and feelsat home without actually being at home. A place that is a copyof home and sometimes even better than its origin. A place for arelaxed evening and a formal meeting alike. A place always filledwith old and new friends and your favourite drinks and bites- both available at any time. A place easily to reach - preferably in walkingdistance. A place one identifies with,In the second case one is longing for a compensation for everything which is absent in everyday life. It Is an escape from routine intothe specific. It is offering different atmospheres, forms experiences and even identities It is all about what is not part of daily life andtherefore unexpected and impressive,This obviously means that the definition of home and escape ishighly subjective and context driven. What can be at home awayfrom home' in one place can be an 'escape from home in the other.But globalization and almost unlimited mobility in most parts ofthe developed world made the world smaller and made it possiblethat similar lifestyles - and therefore contextes - occured almosts imultaneously in different cities, even if they are located half aworld apart from each other, A phenomenon which made globalfranchising possible with all its threats of cultural unification. But which is also a chance for non generic thus specific designs to beunderstood all over the world and being an escape or a third placefor people with a similar set of mind no matter which nationality orage they have.