Anti-counterfeit fiber(anti-forgery fiber,anti-clone fiber, authentication fiber, tracing and tracking fiber, anti-theftfiber, traceability fiber, security fiber):
The fiber's length is between 1 millimeterand 10 millimeters, it's diameter is between 20 micrometers and 100micrometers. There are three major types of the fibers: 1, Visible securityfiber (such as red, green, blue, also called visible fiber). 2, Invisiblesecurity fiber (also called colorless UV fluorescent security fiber), it canfluoresce(such as red, green, blue) under the ultraviolet light. 3, Compositefiber: There are more than one anti-counterfeit features on a fiber which canbe made by customer's order.
The paper is usually used to make thepackaging of products. Sometimes the paper of the packaging need to be addedsome anti-counterfeit features. To add the security fiber in the paper pulp isa effective method to make the anti-counterfeit paper, another method is todistribute the fiber on the surface of the paper which is covered by the glue. It is very difficult to counterfeit the packaging which is made by the paperwith security fibers.
Invisible three-color fluorescent securityfiber: The fibers can be added in the paper pulp to making the security paper.They are colorless(white), when they are distributed in the white paper, theyare invisible under the natural light, and they can fluoresce under thelong-wave ultraviolet light. There are three different colors such as “red,green and blue” on a fiber, the three colors are arranged by the same order.The fibers can be extracted from the paper using the needle.
据我所知,应该没有籽料三色这个概念。 经常看到的三色XXXX,是说在同一块料上同时出现了三种不同的颜色,即使这个料子质地不是那么好,也会因为三色而身价倍增,因为很难得。毕竟不论山料籽料都是天然的,能同...
Multi-color fiber: The fibers are usually used to be mixed in the paper pulp to make the security paper. There are more than one color (or UV excitation color) on a single fiber. The colors and the rank of them constitute a specific character of the fiber which is designed by the customer’s order. Some counterfeiters print many short lines on the paper to counterfeit the single color fiber, but it is easy to differentiate the multi-color security fiber in the paper and the short line printed on the paper by means of the following methods: a. To tear the paper or to extract the fiber from the paper by using the needle, there are two(or more) colors on a fiber. b. To observe the junction of the two adjacent colors in the short line(or on the fiber) on the paper, there is no malposition or breakpoint on the fiber, but the printed short lines are different, because the print technology level is not enough to make so high accuracy prints.
Multi-color fiber: The fibers are usually used to be mixed in the paper pulp to make the security paper. There are more than one color (or UV excitationcolor) on a single fiber. The colorsand the rank of them constitute a specific character of the fiber which is designed by the customer’s order. Some counterfeiters print many short lines on the paper to counterfeit the single color fiber, but it is easy to differentiate the multi-color security fiber in the paper and the short line printed on the paper by means of the following methods: a. To tear the paper or to extract the fiber from the paper by using the needle, there are two(or more) colors on a fiber. b. To observe the junction of thetwo adjacent colors in the short line(or on the fiber) on the paper, there is no malposition or breakpoint on the fiber, but the printed short lines are different, because the print technology level is not enough to make so high accuracy prints.
Multi-color fiber: The fibers are usually used to be mixed in the paper pulp to make the security paper. There are more than one color (or UV excitation color) on a single fiber. The colors and the rank of them constitute a specific character of the fiber which is designed by the customer’s order. Some counterfeiters print many short lines on the