水工混凝土施工规范 SDJ207-82 *******水利电力部 关于颁...
1 范 围 本标准规定了水工混凝土施工行为和质量的基本要求,适用于大、中型水电水利工程中1、2、3级水工建筑物的混凝土和钢筋...
1 2 3 前言 本标准是根据国家经贸委电力司《关于确认 1998 年度电力行业 标准制、修订计划项目的通知》(电力[ 1999 」 40 号文)的要求 修订的。 本次修订的内容为 SDJ207 — 1982 《水工混凝土施工规范》中 第三章 "钢筋工程 " ,并单独成册。 本标准实施后, 代替 SD207 — 1982 《水工混凝土施工规范》 中 第三章 "钢筋工程 " 。 本标准对 SD 207 — 1982 《工混凝土施工规范》中第三章 "钢 筋工程 " 部分内容进行了补充和完善,增加了钢筋窄间隙焊接头,带 肋钢筋挤压套筒连接,锥螺纹连接 ,直螺纹连接和气压焊接头等内容。 根据 DL/ T 600 — 2001 电力行业标准编写基本规定》的要求,增加 了 "范围 " 和 "规范性引用文件 " 两章,原标准中第三章 "钢筋工程 " 修改为 "总则 " , "钢筋材料 " , "
《DL/T 5100-1999水工混凝土外加剂技术规程(英文版)》内容简介:This Standard is a revision of SD 108-83 Technical standard for hydraulic concrete admixture according to Notice on Printing the Development and Revision Plan of Professional Standards (Document 40, 1996) issued by the former Ministry of Electric Power Industry.2100433B
《中华人民共和国电力行业标准(DL/T5332-2005):水工混凝土断裂试验规程(英文版)》内容简介:This Standard is prepared by requirement of "Notice on Printing theDevelopment and Revision Plan of Professional Standards"(Document 739, General Office of the National Development andReform Commission [2005]).
《DL/T 5151-2001水工混凝土砂石骨料试验规程(英文版)》主要内容:revised for the second time,to meet the need of the development of hydropower and water conservancy construction in China,and to coordinate with the development of standards of same categories at home and abroad.The original code was amended,supplemented and divided into Test Code for Hydraulic Concrete.Test Code for Aggregates of Hy draulic Concrete and Analytical Test Code for Water Quality of Hydraulic Concrete.The original Test Code for Hydraulic Concrete SD 105-1982 is replaced by the three newly published codes,with the original Chapter 3,"Aggregates"replaced by Test Code for Aggregates of Hydraulic Concrete DL/T 5151-2001.