《国际田联手册》规定标准半圆式田径场跑道全长为400米,由两个直道和两个弯道组成。目前国际国内田径比赛通常使用以下规格的田径场。 (一)内突沿半径为36米的田径场 一分道计算半径为36.30米,一分道...
1 概述燕山水库位于河南叶县保安镇东约10km的甘江河上,是治淮工作中的一项重点工程,设计最大坝高45.5m,坝型为粘土心墙坝,主坝全长5130m,总库容初拟23.8亿m3,为防洪、灌溉、发电和南水北调中线工程调节之综合蓄水工程。2 新构造运动迹象燕山水库大地构造单元上位于华北准地台与祁秦褶皱系两大构造单元的交接部位。自燕山运动晚期开始该区发生东
Present granite landform characteristics and distribution are the integrated result of climate, tectonics and lithology. Various types of granite landforms in China signify climate zonality and differential vertical movement of earth surface, while published research results on Chinese granite landforms are very rare, especially in international journals. Based on the process analysis of chemical weathering and physical disintegration, four granite landform regions in China are classified according to the present climate regime. On the Tibetan Plateau, the cold and freezing climate induced periglacial landscapes; the northeast region is characterized by physical disintegration and low round mounds are widespread; in the northwest region controlled by arid climate, wind-carved minor landscapes are extremely prominent. The most spectacular granite landscapes in China are presented in southeast as a result of longtime chemical weathering under humid and warm conditions, as well as the differential uplift after Neogene. Correlating the weathering crust in southern China, Tibetan Plateau and India, a possible unified planation surface in Neogene is proposed. With corestones as indicators of original weathering front, the differential uplift extent of dissected planation surfaces can be estimated. At least three landforms implying uplift can be identified in southeastern China, with elevations of 300–400 m, 2000 m and 3600 m above the sea level respectively.