Artistic steel structure system
●结构体系——由曲面钢管网壳体系与曲面索网体系组成的复合结构系统。网壳体系抵抗外部荷载作用,平面内稳定由索网体系承担;鱼腹式平面钢管桁架体系,结构合理、经济。 Structural system—a composite system combined with curved-surface steel pipe network shell system and curved-surface cable network system; a feasible and economical fish-bellied surface steel pipe truss structure is applied. Network shell system bears the exterior load, while the cable network undertakes the interior stability.
Connection features—steel pipe components are connected by embedded universal hinges joint. The intersection welding joint technology is adopted, which produces continuity and fine joints
Aesthetic characteristic—the fish-bellied truss is deployed horizontally, which makes it appears elegant and creates perception of depth. The combination with flexible system and rigid system and glass is a perfect demonstration in modern industry art.
Space tensile rod and cable system
Structure system--It is a composite structure combined with curved-surface steel pipe network shell system and curved-surface cable network system.
Horizontally deployed trusses are adopted to resist the exterior load, while vertically deployed trusses ensure exterior stability and undertake the dead load of glass. It is a non-linear geometry of flexible pre-stressed system.
The network shell system resists the exterior load, while the cable system ensures the interior stability.
Connection features--Steel tube components are connected by embedded universal hinges joint.
Architectural effects--The combination with flexible system and rigid system and glass is a perfect demonstration in modern industry art.
Applicable range--this system is suitable for the opening between stories with large height-width ratio. This specific application makes better of loading mechanism of the structure.
Architectural effects--It can provide satisfactory perception of depth, plentiful light as well as an impression of simplicity.
Self-balance tensile cable system
Structure system--The structure consisting of cable/rod and steel structure is a pre-stressed self-balancing system.
Connection features--Pre-stress, which is imposed to the cables and rods by pre-tensioning, greatly reduces exterior load carried to the building structure by its own self-balancing mechanism.
Architectural effects--Its simplicity and compactness set a typical example of the tough beauty of steel and the beauty of flexibility.
Single-layer cable network system
Structure system--It is a flexible concave cable network system consisting of large scale suspending cable structure and single-layer network of crossing cables. The structure is a non-linear geometry of flexible pre-stressed system and resist exterior load by the single-layer network of cable structure consisting of cables crossing vertically and horizontally.
Structural features--Design of this structure bases on the mechanism of pre-stressing (like tennis racket). Rigidity to resist the exterior load is provided by the pre-stress imposed to the cable network.
Applicable range--This system is suitable for large-span entrance space on building façade, such as facades with atrium entrance.
Architectural effects--It is a system providing the most transparent visual effect. It is breathtaking and spectacular.
Product features--Large-scale suspending single-layer cable network provides a variety of shades of concave curtain walls by advanced form-finding technology.
Seismic force resistance--damped diaphragm fixed at the anchor of cables and the swinging mechanism between cables produce excellent seismic force resistance performance.
建筑幕墙是建筑物的外维护结构的一种。它不同于一般外墙,它具有以下三个特点: (1)建筑物是完整的结构体系,直接承受施加于其上的荷载和作用,并传递到主体结构上。有框幕墙多数情况下...
坚朗J120A系列/点支式玻璃幕墙/用304 316不锈钢驳接爪¥330.00 坚朗品牌3060HA系列KINLONG点支式玻璃幕墙¥770.00 坚朗KINLONG &nbs...
点支式玻璃幕墙由装饰面玻璃,驳接组件支承结构组成。 按外立面装饰效果分为平头点支式玻璃幕墙和凸头点支式玻璃幕墙。按支承结构分为玻璃肋点支式玻璃幕墙,钢结构点支式玻璃幕墙,钢拉杆...
点支式玻璃幕墙 本章适用于民用建筑中点支式玻璃幕墙(包括钢结构支承、索杆结构支承、玻璃肋支 承、建筑主体支承的点支式幕墙)安装工程。 一、材料 (一)钢材 1.点支式玻璃幕墙采用不锈钢材料时,宜采用奥氏体不锈钢材,应符合现行国家标准。 2.点支式玻璃幕墙采用的碳素钢和其它钢材表面应进行防腐蚀处理。表面除锈不得低 于 Sa2.5 级,并进行涂装等可靠的表面处理。 3.拉索应采用不锈钢铰线、或铝包钢铰线,钢丝直径不宜小于 2mm。 4.钢绞线必须进行预拉处理 ,其力宜为整绳破断力的 50%,且持续拉时间为 2小时,作三 次以上反复拉以消除钢绞线的结构伸长量,生产厂家应出具钢铰线拉曲线图及试验合格报 告。 5.钢绞线的索头接头材料应采用经固溶处理的奥氏体不锈钢 , 钢绞线与索套接头必须 压制牢固、可靠。其加工产品应经破断拉伸试验。 6.钢绞线索套接头最终破断力不得小于钢绞线整绳破断力的 90%,
点支式玻璃幕墙 本章适用于民用建筑中点支式玻璃幕墙(包括钢结构支承、索杆结构支承、玻璃肋支 承、建筑主体支承的点支式幕墙)安装工程。 一、材料 (一)钢材 1.点支式玻璃幕墙采用不锈钢材料时,宜采用奥氏体不锈钢材,应符合现行国家标准。 2.点支式玻璃幕墙采用的碳素钢和其它钢材表面应进行防腐蚀处理。表面除锈不得低 于 Sa2.5 级,并进行涂装等可靠的表面处理。 3.拉索应采用不锈钢铰线、或铝包钢铰线,钢丝直径不宜小于 2mm。 4.钢绞线必须进行预张拉处理 ,其张力宜为整绳破断力的 50%,且持续张拉时间为 2 小 时,作三次以上反复张拉以消除钢绞线的结构伸长量, 生产厂家应出具钢铰线张拉曲线图及 试验合格报告。 5.钢绞线的索头接头材料应采用经固溶处理的奥氏体不锈钢 , 钢绞线与索套接头必须 压制牢固、可靠。其加工产品应经破断拉伸试验。 6.钢绞线索套接头最终破断力不得小于钢绞线整绳破断