您好,江南朗亭整体卫浴是很不错的。 倍热导流翼,热水输出率高;双管加热,接力变容,深潜速热;智能断电记忆;智能夜电技术,体贴运行;中温保温,即时加热;全天预约,动态显示;本机+易线通线控;独立排污,镁...
仿古亭工程 一、古建构架制作 古代建筑的房屋由柱、梁、桁、椽等构件组成。 (一)柱 制作方法如下: (1)选料。大式做法,柱高按 60个斗口,柱径 6个斗口。 (2)放十字中线。将柱料离地面适当高度放平架起支稳后,两人各 执墨斗、角尺在柱料两端找出中点, 过中点吊中线,用角尺依中线画 十字中线。 (3)放八卦线。用四六分之,即所谓 “四六分八方,四外小加一 ”。 (4)八卦线后,将柱料放回地面,并使一面(正八方形的任意一条 边)与地面成水平,支稳后,用锛或斧子锛砍平直,若锛砍不直可用 刨刨削平直,然后弹上楞线,其他各面以此法砍平弹线, 即成八卦楞。 (5)将八方的每边 3等分,把每个内角的 1/3连接起来呈 16边形(即 时 16瓣)。依每个角顶点为基点, 在柱身弹线,砍去楞角,刨光找圆。 做成的圆柱应为规矩圆形,没有死楞,更不能因求圆而将柱径做小。 然后依柱头十字线在柱身上弹上中线。按柱
连里茶马古亭东西向横跨石桥塘溪,建于1945年。其前身为石桥,因大水 冲垮改建为木桥;大桥为单檐小青瓦顶、木结构渠架,两台,鹊木三层;全长约15米,通高8米,宽4.1米;中间为走道,两侧为歇亭;歇亭共6空,每空长2.5米;桥两端各有青石阶级。
《江南禅寺(英文版)》内容简介:The building of the Buddhist monastery is an important component of Chinese ancient architectural culture. Its architectural location,architectural layout, architectural method and architectural decoration all bear the deep stamp of Chinese traditional culture and ideology. This book, combining architecture with religion and culture, displays the existence and characteristics of the Buddhist monastery on the background of the development history of Chan, and then represents the whole look of the architecture and culture of the Buddhist monastery by a detailed explanation of buildings, religious ritual implements, associated contents and etc.This book is especially for those who areinterested in Chinese traditional culture, Chineseancient architecture and design of the Buddhistbuilding, and for the tourists as well.