Multi-color fiber: The fibers are usually used to be mixed in the paper pulp to make the security paper. There are more than one color (or UV excitationcolor) on a single fiber. The colorsand the rank of them constitute a specific character of the fiber which is designed by the customer’s order. Some counterfeiters print many short lines on the paper to counterfeit the single color fiber, but it is easy to differentiate the multi-color security fiber in the paper and the short line printed on the paper by means of the following methods: a. To tear the paper or to extract the fiber from the paper by using the needle, there are two(or more) colors on a fiber. b. To observe the junction of thetwo adjacent colors in the short line(or on the fiber) on the paper, there is no malposition or breakpoint on the fiber, but the printed short lines are different, because the print technology level is not enough to make so high accuracy prints.
把界面切换到CAD , 然后按F12 , 你查查看 ,是不是把该构件隐藏了?就是看看你要显示的构件前面的勾有没有被划掉!当你要显示那个构件你就把那个构件前面的勾上!
紫外可见分光光度法 一、选择题 1.下述物质中,能吸收可见光产生分子能级跌迁的是 C A. KMnO 4溶液 B. 基态 K 原子 C. EDTA 溶液 D. K 2Cr2O7溶液 2. 显色反应一般在水相中进行,若显色产物不溶于水,可采用什么方法测定其吸光度 A. 萃取分光光度法 B. 双波长分光光度法 C. 胶束增溶分光光度法 D. 示差分光光度法 3.在原子吸收法中,采用标准加入法定量可消除 A.物理干扰 B.电离干扰 C.背景干扰 D.化学干扰 4.分子吸收可见 -紫外光后,可发生哪类分子能级跃迁 D A. 转动能级跃迁 B. 振动能级跃迁 C. 电子能级跃迁 D.以上都能发生 5.影响最大吸收波长 max的因素有 A A. 物质的结构 B. 溶液的浓度 C. 温度 D. 溶剂的极性 6.摩尔吸收系数( )与吸收系数( a)的换算关系是 A A. = a·MB. =a/M
Multi-color fiber: The fibers are usually used to be mixed in the paper pulp to make the security paper. There are more than one color (or UV excitation color) on a single fiber. The colors and the rank of them constitute a specific character of the fiber which is designed by the customer’s order. Some counterfeiters print many short lines on the paper to counterfeit the single color fiber, but it is easy to differentiate the multi-color security fiber in the paper and the short line printed on the paper by means of the following methods: a. To tear the paper or to extract the fiber from the paper by using the needle, there are two(or more) colors on a fiber. b. To observe the junction of the two adjacent colors in the short line(or on the fiber) on the paper, there is no malposition or breakpoint on the fiber, but the printed short lines are different, because the print technology level is not enough to make so high accuracy prints.