Low Poly 原是 3D 建模中的术语,指使用相对较少的点线面来制作的低精度模型,最早是在游戏中出现较多,而这位来自波兰的自由插画师和3D艺术家Mat Szulik 将这种低聚美学延伸运用到了木雕中,经过他对多边形创意风格的不断探索,用木头雕刻出了一个奇幻的森林动物世界。
The PolyWood is my personal project I did in my free time. It was born in the desire to explore my lowpoly style and push it further and further. I was thinking about exploring lowpoly on the edge of toy/product design for a long time now, and it has finally happened.