手绘——表述理想 Sketch-Expressed the Ideal
评论 Commentary
正统与传统 Orthodox and Traditional
哎呀妈呀,学术圈 Oh My God,Academic Circles
项目 Project
Hageveld地产 Hageveld Eatate
Elwood海滩 Elwood Foreshore
悉尼Woolwich观景台 Woolwich Lookout
圣心大学会堂景观 Sacred Heart University Small Halls Landscape
Solberg塔和公园 Solberg Tower and Park
手绘 Sketch
映秀镇灾后恢复重建景观设计 Landscape Design for Sichuan Yingxiu Post-disaster Reconstruction
海南屯昌木色湖高尔夫度假酒店 Hainan Tunchang Wooden Lubricious Lake Golf Resort Hotel
唐山机场铁路公园 Railway Park of Tangshan Airport
山东省莱芜市凤凰山公园总体规划设计 The Masterplanning Design of Phoenix Mountain in Shandong Laiwu
北京盈科中心商务会所 Beijing Yingke Business Club
瓯江干堤青田鹤城段加固工程景观规划 Landscape Planning of Reinforcement Work of the Qingtian Section,OU River
重庆珠江太阳城 The Zhujiang Sun City of Chongqing
梅赛德斯奔驰4S店 Mercedes-Benz World
长白山国际旅游度假区 Changbai Mountain International Tourism Resort
北京珠光御景 Beijing Zhu Guang Yu Jing
江阴徐霞客博览园碑林景观设计 Landscape Design of the Forest of Steles in Jiang Yin Xu Xiake Exposition Park
鹿特丹海港公园 Rotterdam Harbour Park
重庆南滨城市广场 The South Shore City Square,Chongqing
重庆CBD南部总部经济区城市设计 Urban Design of Chongqing CBD Development
北京领袖慧谷居住区 Beijing Leader Bright Valley Community
贵州铜仁三江公园景观设计 Landscape Design of Tongren San Jiang Park,Guizhou
专访 Exclusive Interview
景观设计的社会关怀 Landscape Design of the Social Care
阅读 Reading
新阿姆斯特丹广场展亭 New Amsterdam Plein Pavilion
挪威卑尔根市Steiner学校 The Steiner School at Skjotd,Bergen—Norway
荷兰莱瓦顿北方大学 North Leerwarden Higher Vocational College2100433B