Manipulator i s now use d as a i ndustrial robots i n use, the control obje ctives often a ppear often in i ndustrial a utomation. In dustrial automati on te chnol ogy has gradually mature d, as mature a te chnol ogy line has been ra pid development i n industrial a utomation as a separate subje ct. Ma nipulator appli cation bega n to filter into we ldi ng, logisti cs, me cha nical processi ng, a
2015 年二级建造师考试建筑工程实务真题首发 1.关于民用建筑构造要求的说法,错误的是() A.阳台、外窗、室内回廊等应设置防护 B.儿童专用活动场的栏杆,其垂直栏杆间的净距不应大于 0.11m C.室内楼梯扶手高度自踏步前缘线量起不应大于 0.80m
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