Stainless steel Brushed stainless steel comes in various finishes. No. 3 and No. 4 are typical. These finishes are hard to repair when scratches appears. Another brush finish is the HairLine finish. The advantage of this finish is that the grain is continuous and runs the length of the sheet. The importance of continuous long grain HairLine finish is to allow for repair of minor scratches. On
201 不锈钢亮面管与 201不锈钢拉丝管的区别? 201 不锈钢管表面可分为:亮面、拉丝面、坯面(不抛光) ,市场上最常用 的是亮面和拉丝面。那么亮面和拉丝面有哪些区别呢?除了最明显的区别表面不 同外,在用途上两种表面也是截然不同。根据用途和用户喜好, 201不锈钢管亮 面管比 201不锈钢丝拉丝管使用范围广泛,主要体现在: 1.做为装饰类如:防盗窗、拉门、楼梯扶手等大部分 201 不锈钢管都是亮 面的; 2.亮面不锈管比拉丝面不锈钢管看上去高端上档次; 3.亮面不锈钢管表面没有被破坏更耐腐蚀,不易生锈; 4.亮面不锈钢管不用收取拉丝加工费,更省成本。
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