110kv/6kv变电站出线电缆故障的处理与分析 摘要 :通过现有电缆故障处理,查找出了真正的故障击穿点 ,排除了两个严重 的故障隐患,了解到多点泄漏电流对电力电缆高阻故障的探测方法。 关键词:闪络法成功地解决了一次 6kv 电缆多点泄漏高阻故障 Abstracts: Processing through the existing cable fault, this paper finds out the real breakdown point of failure, and the failure is ruled out two serious problems. We can learn more detection methods of leakage current on power cables high impedance fault Key words: Flas
110kv/6kv变电站出线电缆故障的处理与分析 摘要 :通过现有电缆故障处理,查找出了真正的故障击穿点 ,排除了两个严重 的故障隐患,了解到多点泄漏电流对电力电缆高阻故障的探测方法。 关键词:闪络法成功地解决了一次 6kv 电缆多点泄漏高阻故障 Abstracts: Processing through the existing cable fault, this paper finds out the real breakdown point of failure, and the failure is ruled out two serious problems. We can learn more detection methods of leakage current on power cables high impedance fault Key words: Flas
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