构造知识要点:第五节 楼梯、电梯、台阶和坡道构造 一、楼梯、坡道和自动扶梯的常用坡度( p164) 二、设置一个楼梯的条件( p165) 三、封闭楼梯间与防烟楼梯间的特点( p166) 四、楼梯踏步尺寸的规定( p166) 五、梯段的最小宽度规定( p166) 六、一个梯段踏步数的规定( p167) 七、梯段增设中间扶手的规定( p167) 八、楼梯净高尺寸的规定( p167) 九、台阶踏步常用的高度与宽度( p169) 十、合理设置电梯的基本数据( p169) 十一、自动扶梯的安全距离尺寸( p169)
Party branch Se cretary of a party lect ure of two spe eches: t utoring covers all of the new party Constituti on two education ha s kicke d off. Study of the Constitution of thi s practi ce is a very importa nt part. Today I'll give y ou a new secti on of the Constituti on on t he counselli ng of learni ng lessons, hope, t hroug h today's tutori al, further consol idation of all the party member
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