钢化玻璃开孔的规定 1. Minimum width of glass containing holes that can be satisfactorily tempered is eight times the thickness of the glass. (只有宽度大于 8 倍厚度的钢化玻璃才 能钻孔。) 2. The distance from any edge of glass to nearest point on rim of hole must be at least 1.5 times the thickness of the glass on glass that is 12mm or less in thickness and at least 2 times the thickness of the glass that is over 12mm in
带压开孔器的使用 ,解决了不断流开孔的技术难题 ,使干管上连接支管变得非常方便。本文简要介绍了带压开孔器的原理和安全使用方法 ,并对使用中的突发情况提出了相应的预防措施 ,在实际应用中具有一定的参考价值。
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