PARSON ADHESIVES, INC. 3345 Auburn Road Suite 107 Rochester, MI 48309 Phone (248) 299-5585 Fax (248) 299-3846 Email: sales@parsonadhesives.com Web site: www.parsonadhesives.com PARTITE 7310 Methacrylate Structural Adhesive PARTITE 7310 is a two-component, 100% reactive structural adhesive specifically formulated for bonding thermoplastics, thermosets, metals and composite assemblies. FEATURE: ? Co
博森parson双组份甲基丙烯酸酯结构胶 (2)
PARSON ADHESIVES, INC. 3345 Auburn Road Suite 107 Rochester, MI 48309 Phone (248) 299-5585 Fax (248) 299-3846 Email: sales@parsonadhesives.com Web site: www.parsonadhesives.com PARTITE 7310 Methacrylate Structural Adhesive PARTITE 7310 is a two-component, 100% reactive structural adhesive specifically formulated for bonding thermoplastics, thermosets, metals and composite assemblies. FEATURE: ? Co
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