草坪灌溉与排水 摘要:草坪在城市绿地园林等各方面的建设地位显越来越来 越重要,草坪的灌溉与排水是养 护好草坪的一个关键的要素。 草坪灌溉原理的学习与设备的了解和掌 握,能很好的促进草坪业的发展。草坪喷灌系统的规划设计,合理布 置草坪喷灌系统,对草坪的良好生长有很大的作用。 Summary : Lawn green garden in the city in areas such as co nstruction status in increasingly more important, lawn irrigation and drainage is a good l awn maintenance is a key element. Principles of Lea rning and lawn irrigation equipment to understand an d maste
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