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神华包头煤制烯烃项目招标(中英文) (2)
0229招标文件中英文( 1) 神华宁煤集团有限责任公司煤基烯烃项目 SHENHUA BAOTOUCOAL TO OLEFIN PROJECT 神华包头煤制烯烃项目 CRUSHER、DISTRIBUTORAND PLATFORM OF VIBRATION REDUCTION FOR COAL DISCHARGE & STORAGE UNIT INTERNATIONALCOMPETITIVE BIDDING DOCUMENT 卸储煤装置细碎机及布料器、减振平台招标文件 Volume 2 PartⅠCommercial Part 第二卷 第Ⅰ部分 商务部分 ProjectName: Procurement of Crusher, distributor, and platform ofvibration reduction for coal discharge & sto
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