the pri nci ple of simplified EIA of construction pr ojects in t he regi on. In terms of land, li nked t o the implementati on of urban a nd r ural constructi on land increase and de crease, repl aceme nt indicator s for pri ority areas project. Charges, int o the projects of water, ele ctricity, admini strative charges and preferential policie s. In the area of taxation, a nd settled i n ar
marketing strict internal cost control, busi ness a nd i nnovation performance. --Increa sing ele ctricity a cce ss, pri ce i ncrease, ele ctricity supply i s guarantee d. In 2012, the compa ny with coal inve ntory, get rewards of Jiang su pr ovincial gover nment power to 266 million kWh. Thr ough t he "small" and bi lateral trade, acce ss to el ectricity 1.695 billi on kWh, se eking removal compe
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