附件2: 序号 企业名称 证书编号 1 上海东方投资监理有限公司 甲120131000306 2 天职 (北京 )国际工程项目管理有限公司 甲120143000114 3 北京华建联造价工程师事务所 甲120111470426 4 中竞发(北京)工程造价咨询有限公司 甲120242000448 5 信永中和(北京)国际工程管理咨询有限公司 甲120111350259 6 浙江万邦工程管理咨询有限公司 甲120233000501 7 北京泛华国金工程咨询有限公司 甲120111470272 8 昆明华昆工程造价咨询有限公司 甲120353000618 9 北京中天恒达工程咨询有限责任公司 甲120311000506 10 上海第一测量师事务所有限公司 甲120131000052 11 中联造价咨询有限公司 甲120532000749 12 中大信(北京)工程造价咨询有限公司 甲1203420
The exchange of goods and services across borders plays a vital role in the modern economy.Cities,where the factors of production such as labors,lands,capitals,technologies and information aggregate,have served as centers of trade and distribution.As more and more people move to cities pursuing urban life,metropolitan areas will likely continue to play an integral part in global trade.This may be particularly obvious in China,where the urbanization is rapidly marching ahead.Our annual report,Top 100 Foreign Trade Cities,measures the competitiveness of Chinese cities in developing international trade.We have an overall ranking list of the most competitive cities in developing foreign trade,which is in effect a summative assessment of five indicators,including level,structure,efficiency,development,and latent capacity.In the newly released version of the report,the trend of industrial transformation and upgrading has continued.But the fluctuation of small and medium-sized cities,the disequilibrium of indicators,and the imbalance between districts,have revealed the vulnerability of the overall trade pattern.To find a way to attain coordinated and sustainable development,China will need to steady its growth in refining economic structure,and to boost its economic transformation in encouraging innovation.
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