建筑节能工程施工质量验收规范 (三 ) 8 地面节能工程 8.1 一般规定 8.1.1 本章适用于建筑室内地面节能工程的质量验收。包括底面接触室外空气、 土壤或毗邻不采暖空间的地面节能工程。 8.1.2 地面节能工程的施工,应在主体或基层质量验收合格后进行。施工过程中
the principl e of simplifie d EIA of constr ucti on proje cts in t he region. In terms of land, linke d to the implementati on of urba n and rural construction l and i ncr ease a nd decrea se, re placeme nt indicat ors for pri ority areas proje ct. Charges, i nto the projects of water, ele ctricity, a dministrative charge and pr eferential poli cies. In the ar ea of taxation, and settled i n areas
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