CONCRETE SHEAR WALL CONSTRUCTION M. Ofelia Moroni, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile BACKGROUND Buildings with cast-in-situ reinforced concrete shear walls are widespread in many earthquake-prone countries and regions, such as Canada, Chile, Romania, Turkey, Colombia, the republics of the former Soviet Union, etc. This type of construction has been practiced since the 960s in urban regions f
Wise Wall封闭板材木结构
英国Frame Wise公司最近推出了其新一代的Wise Wall封闭板材木结构(closed panel timber frame)——Wise Wall T。这家曾获TTJ木材革新奖的公司没有为该新产品申请专利。公司称,新产品的革新不是在组成部分或元件上,而是在其组装方法上。现在,虽然Wise Wall属高档产品,但已占了公司产品的40%,并继续走热,在自建房和较大工程项目如学校特别受欢迎。Wise Wall两面为板材,用90 mm厚的
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