房地产企业形象代言人策略探析——根据著名的市场调查公司Millward Brown 最新发布的一项调查结果,中国在广告中使用代言人的比例在全球排第三位,仅次于日本和韩国。在普通消费品领域呼风唤雨的“ 名人效应”如今也刮到了地产界在北京,东方银座请来了梁家辉、...
World's Most Admired pitchmen 品牌最喜欢用的 7个明星代言人 Fortune's World's Most Admired list is the definitive measure of corporate reputation. So it should come as no surprise that when Most Admired companies use celebrities to represent their brands, they tend to select some pretty high-wattage individuals. Fortune asked the Q Scores Company, which produces data on consumers' emotional connections wit
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