葡萄糖二酸是一种高附加值的有机酸,广泛用于食品、医药和化工领域.为获得生产葡萄糖二酸的微生物细胞工厂,通过共表达小鼠来源的肌醇加氧酶(MIOX)及恶臭假单胞菌来源的醛酸脱氢酶(Udh),在酿酒酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae CEN.PK2-1C中构建了葡萄糖二酸合成途径,产量为(28.28±3.15) mg/L.在此基础上,通过调控前体肌醇的合成途径,发现肌醇-1-磷酸合成酶(INO1)是葡萄糖二酸合成途径的限速酶,过量表达INO1,葡萄糖二酸产量达到(107.51±10.87) mg/L,提高了2.8倍.进一步弱化竞争支路中磷酸果糖激酶(PFKl)的表达,最终葡萄糖二酸的产量达到(230.22±10.75) mg/L,为进一步获得高产葡萄糖二酸细胞工厂提供基础.
In order to realize stable overexpression of mutant glucose isomerase(GI)gene from Streptomyces diastaticus No.7 M1033 in E.coli, a 1.2 kb fragment containing the intact coding sequence of the protein was amplified specifically from plasmid pTKD GI1 by PCR.At the same time,45 bp unnecessary sequence at GI gene upstream was deleted.The amplified fragment was inserted into the expression vector pBV220 to obtain the recombinant plasmid pBZGI1,which was introduced into E.coli DH5α.Data gathered from passage of the generations of the strains showed that pBZGI1 in DH5α was much more stable than pTKD GI1 in K38/pGP1 2.Induced at 42℃,pBZGI1 overexpressed the mutant GI,which accounted for about 55% of total soluble proteins and was purified through heat treatment,DEAE Sepharose FF column and Sephacrcyl S 300 column.It also showed that the thermostability of the purified GI didn't decline though the undesired 15 amino acids present in N terminal was deleted.
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