We will conti nue t o improve t he company' s internal control system, a nd steady impr ovement in ability to ma nage and contr ol, o ptimize business processe s, to e nsure smooth pr oce sses, responsibilities in pla ce; to furt her stre ngthen interna l controls, play a contr ol post independent over sight rol e of evaluation complying with thir d-party responsibility; to a ctively make use of i
某水厂生产综合楼等附属工程招标文件——本招标项目名称 招标项目名称:XX水厂生产综合楼等附属工程 招标编号:XX 本招标项目建设地点 XX水厂内 本招标项目建设规模 本工程预算价为XX元 招标范围和内容 房屋建筑工程土建、安装、消防等工程(具...
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