一体化消防给水设备在改造工程中的应用 Application of integrated fire water supply equipment in reconstruction project 摘要:在公共建筑的改造过程中,我们需要根据最新规范修改一些关于消防设 计的内容,在进行修改的时候,需满足规范的要求,同时需兼顾现状及实际情 况作出相应的调整。 Abstract: in the process of renovation of public buildings, we need to modify some of the fire protection design content according to the new standard, to modify the time required to meet the specification requirements,
地埋式箱泵一体化给水设 备的应用 摘要:在城市建筑业快速发展的过程中, 建筑面积与经济效益息息相 关,本文介绍了室外地埋式箱泵一体化给水设备与箱泵一体化屋顶增 压稳压给水设备的优势,并结合具体项目对其进行设计。 关键词:室外地埋式箱泵一体化给水设备 箱泵一体化屋顶增压稳压 给水设备 消防设计 Application of the buried box type pump integrated water supply equipment Zhao Lin Cui Zhiguo Shao Yingxu Wang Jiliang Yantai Architectural Design And Research Co.,Ltd Abstract:The process of rapid development in the city of construction industry,
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