重油发电机组安装施工组织设计 (2)
1 建筑方案 Civil Construction Scheme 1.1 工程测量 Project Survey 1.1.1 一级 施工控制网的 布置及施测 Lay out & Survey for the First-class Construction Control Net 根据业主提供测量成果资料, 委托有专业资质的测绘单位, 在测区内布设 E级 GPS 控制网作为厂区的一级施工控制网。 Based on the survey information provided by client, invite a professional company to do the work of survey. Setting Class-E GPS control net within the survey area, which is the first class control
重油发电机组安装施工组织设计 (3)
1 建筑方案 Civil Construction Scheme 1.1 工程测量 Project Survey 1.1.1 一级 施工控制网的 布置及施测 Lay out & Survey for the First-class Construction Control Net 根据业主提供测量成果资料, 委托有专业资质的测绘单位, 在测区内布设 E级 GPS 控制网作为厂区的一级施工控制网。 Based on the survey information provided by client, invite a professional company to do the work of survey. Setting Class-E GPS control net within the survey area, which is the first class control
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