UK broadcast 9 November 2009, 4.33 million viewers (17.6% audience share)
Birds, whose feathers have made them extremely adaptable and enabled them to fly, are the subject of programme five. The courtship flight of the marvellous spatuletail hummingbird is shot at high speed to slow down its rapid wing beats. The male must rest every few seconds due to the energy needed to display his elongated tail feathers. Lammergeiers, by contrast, soar on mountain thermals with a minimum of effort. A red-billed tropicbird bringing a meal back to its chick uses aerial agility to evade the marauding magnificent frigatebirds. Some birds nest in extreme locations to avoid threats from predators. Kenya's caustic soda lakes are a perilous environment for a lesser flamingo chick, while chinstrap penguins breed on a volcanic island off the Antarctic Peninsula. In South Africa, declining fish stocks force Cape gannets to abandon their chicks to search for food, presenting great white pelicans with the chance to snatch an easy meal. Feathers can also be used for display. Male sage grouse square up to one another at their leks, courting Clark's grebes perform an elaborate ritual to reaffirm their bond and thousands of lesser flamingos move in a synchronised display. In West Papua, the small, drab Vogelkop bowerbird uses a different strategy. The male decorates his bower with colourful jewels from the forest, and uses vocal mimicry to attract the attention of a female. Mating is filmed for the first time, the end result of a long and difficult quest featured in Life on Location.
UK broadcast 2 November 2009, 4.56 million viewers (18.1% audience share)
Fish, the most diverse group of vertebrate animals, thrive in the world's rivers, lakes and oceans. Slow-motion footage reveals the behaviour of some of the fastest fish in the sea, sailfish and flying fish. The latter gather in large numbers to lay their eggs on a floating palm frond, which sinks under the weight. The eggs of weedy sea dragons, found in the shallow waters off southern Australia, are carried by the male. In the fertile seas of the western Pacific, competition is fierce. A sarcastic fringehead defends its home, an old shell, from a passing octopus and a rival. In Japan, mudskippers have carved a niche on the rich mudflats. Freshwater fish are also featured. Tiny gobies are filmed climbing Hawaiian waterfalls to colonise the placid pools upstream, while in East Africa, barbels pick clean the skin of the resident hippos and feed on their rich dung in return. Wrasses perform the cleaning duties on coral reefs, but jacks also remove parasites by scratching against the rough skin of silvertip sharks. Clownfish, whose life cycle is filmed in intimate detail using macro cameras, are protected by the fronds of an anemone, but other species seek safety in numbers. A shoal of ever-moving anchovies proves too difficult a target for sea lions. Sometimes, predators have the edge: ragged tooth sharks are shown attacking sardines trapped in shallow waters off South Africa. Life on Location looks at the efforts of underwater cameramen to capture the sailfish and flying fish sequences.
UK broadcast 26 October 2009, 5.55 million viewers (21.9% audience share)
Intelligence, warm blood and strong family bonds have made mammals the most successful group of animals on the planet: they can even survive the Antarctic winter. Here, a Weddell seal leads her pup on its first swim beneath the ice. In East Africa, a rufous sengi uses a mental map of the pathways it has cleared to outwit a chasing lizard. A young aye-aye takes four years to learn how to find and extract beetle grubs, food no other mammal can reach. Reindeer move through the Arctic tundra, making the longest overland migration of any animal. Other mammals have evolved different ways of travelling long distances: ten million fruit bats congregate at Zambia's Kasanka swamps to gorge on fruiting trees. Mammals employ different strategies to find food. At night on the African savannah, hyenas force lions off a kill through sheer weight of numbers, whilst in the melting Arctic, dozens of polar bears take advantage of a bowhead whale carcass. Raising young is another important factor in mammals' success. Coatis and meerkats form social groups to share the burden of childcare. A first-time African elephant mother needs the experience of the herd's matriarch to get her young calf out of trouble. The largest animals in the ocean are also mammals. The seas around Tonga are both a nursery and mating ground for humpback whales. A female leads her potential suitors on a chase, the males battling for dominance behind her. Life on Location follows the never-before filmed humpback heat run.
中文名称铁酸镍;四氧镍酸二铁;纳米铁酸镍;氧化镍铁;铁酸镍;氧化镍铁, TECH英文名Diiron nickel tetraoxide;Iron nickel oxide 化学式:NiFe2O4 ...
UK broadcast 12 October 2009, 6.5 million viewers (26.4% audience share)
中文名: BBC生命
英文名: Life
版本: 十集全
发行时间: 2009年
制作发行: BBC
地区: 英国
语言: 英语
UK broadcast 30 November 2009, 3.95 million viewers (15.6% audience share)
Marine invertebrates, the descendants of one billion years of evolutionary history, are the most abundant creatures in the ocean. In the Sea of Cortez, packs of Humboldt squid make night-time raids from the deep to co-operatively hunt sardines. Beneath the permanent Antarctic sea ice of McMurdo Sound, sea urchins, red sea stars and nemertean worms are filmed scavenging on a seal carcass. A fried egg jellyfish hunts amongst a swarm of Aurelia in the open ocean, spearing its prey with harpoon-like tentacles. In the shallows off South Australia, hundreds of thousands of spider crabs gather annually to moult. Many invertebrates have simple nervous systems, but giant cuttlefish have large brains and complex mating habits. Large males use flashing stroboscopic colours and strength to win a mate, whereas smaller rivals rely on deceit: both tactics are successful. A Pacific giant octopus sacrifices her life to tend her single clutch of eggs for six months. As a Pycnopodia starfish feeds on her remains, it comes under attack from a king crab. Coral reefs, which rival rainforests in their diversity, are the largest living structures on Earth and are created by coral polyps. Porcelain crabs, boxer crabs and orangutan crabs are shown to illustrate the many specialised ways of catching food on a reef. Marine invertebrates have a lasting legacy on land too – their shells formed the chalk and limestone deposits of Eurasia and the Americas. Life on Location documents the recording of Antarctic sea life and the birth of a reef.
NETLIFE 智能照明与节能 一、智能照明概念及意义 智能照明系统是指利用计算机、网络技术、无线通讯数据传输、电力载波 通讯技术、计算机智能化信息处理技术、传感技术及节能型电器控制等技术组 成的分布式无线或有线控制系统,通过预设程序的运行,根据某一区域的功 能、每天不同的时间、室外光亮度或该区域的用途来自动控制照明。 照明控制系统是一个总线型式或局域网型式的智能控制系统。所有的单元 器件均内置微处理器和存储单元,并由信号总线连接成网络,每个单元均可分 配唯一的单元地址。当有输入时,输入单元首先将其转变为总线信号,然后在 控制系统总线上广播,所有的输出单元接收信号后进行判断,继而控制相应回 路输出。 二、智能照明控制系统构成 1.网关 (NETLIFE 智能家居控制终端 > 控制终端一般设置在大堂、大厅及门口处 ,通常具有如下功能: 管理及设定功能:在控制终端可直接进行操作以完成日常的运
维他命 C 与葡萄糖结合而成「稳定型维他命 C 」,能有效渗透肌肤,防止因日晒而产生的黑色素沉淀及色斑生成。添加玻尿酸(透明质酸),深层浸润并提升保湿力,增加肤质水嫩弹性。添加芦荟萃取及维它命B5减缓日晒所引起的肌肤干燥及不适应,又能柔软皮肤,舒缓肌肤,改善粉刺与淡化暗沉。它含肌肤温和配方,弱酸性,无色素、无香料、无PARABEN、无矿物油。不使用动物性成分。
适用对象:各种肤质皆适用 / 肌肤油性、黯沉者更佳。添加天然有机的金盏花、甘菊、有机玫瑰果油、抗坏血酸葡糖苷、芍药等多种成分。吸收迅速且清爽不油腻的丝绒般的质地,对于肌肤修护及滋润非常有帮助,金盏花可纾缓皮肤问题。每日使用,肌肤滋润、保湿,一次搞定。
Melaclear 2是多种功能的亲水性溶液,内含角质分解酵素,可加速表皮细胞的代谢。超越抗老极限,以智慧科技保养概念,带领美肌青春的新革命!针对生活忙碌的熟龄肌特别开发的聪明型保养,全面强势迎战暗沉、黑色素以及老化迹象,使肌肤愈来愈白晳,再以维他命C密集锁定,阻断黑色素生成,添加年轻嫩白因子!同时含有其他多种成分,如透明质酸、丙二醇、山梨醇等,主要是使酪胺酸酵素活化,肌肤有效达到美白光泽、滋润保湿。用途:滋润保湿、美白肌肤。
含丰富活性成份,早晚可用。涂上这款丰润醒肤霜霜,它融合了一切优点。加入了玫瑰籽油,洋甘菊,白果精华,樱草,药蜀葵及银杏,给肌肤带来光彩和活力,你会立刻体验到它的神奇! 擦完后有丝质细滑柔美嫩效果,触感很好,同时含有保湿因子和天然植萃成分,用过之后你自会知道它厉害。为肌肤魔力锁水,可以保护肌肤,加强抵抗能力,可以让肌肤不受外界刺激与伤害:可以增强细胞活力,增加皮肤抵抗力。
护肤 彩妆 清洁
1.Soil Association:即「英国土壤联合国」,是英国最大有机团体。
3. COSMEBIO(BIO/ ECO):2002年成立法国,有「ECO天然化妆品」及「BIO有机产品」两种认证标准。