Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Brief history of Bose-Einstein condensation
1.2 Quantized vortex states in BEC
1.3 Review on numerical methods for stationary states
1.4 Review on numerical methods for the time-dependent GPE
1.5 Scope of this book
Chapter 2 Stationary states for rotating BEC
2.1 GPE in a rotational frame
2.1.1 Dimensionless GPE
2.1.2 Reduction to two dimensions
2.2 Stationary states
2.2.1 Semiclassical scaling and geometrical optics
2.2.2 Ground state
2.2.3 Approximate ground state
2.2.4 Excited states
2.2.5 Critical angular velocity in symmetric trap
2.3 Numerical methods for stationary states
2.3.1 Gradient flow with discrete normalization
2.3.2 Energy diminishing
2.3.3 Continuous normalized gradient flow
2.3.4 Fully numerical discretization
2.4 Numerical results
2.4.1 Initial data for computing ground state
2.4.2 Results in 2D
2.4.3 Results in 3D
2.4.4 Critical angular velocity
2.4.5 Numerical verification for dimension reduction
2.4.6 Errors of the TF approximation
2.4.7 Spurious numerical ground states when |Ω|≥γxy=1
2.5 Conclusion
Chapter 3 Dynamics of rotating BEC
3.1 Some properties of the GPE
3.2 A TSSP method for the GPE
3.2.1 Time-splitting
3.2.2 Discretization in 2D
3.2.3 Discretization in 3D
3.2.4 Stability
3.3 Numerical results
3.3.1 Accuracy test
3.3.2 Dynamics of a vortex lattice in rotating BEC
3.3.3 Generation of giant vortex in rotating BEC
3.4 Conclusion
Chapter 4 Applications to stationary states of rotating two-component BEC
4.1 The time-dependent coupled GPEs
4.1.1 Dimensionless coupled GPEs
4.1.2 Reduction to two dimensions
4.1.3 Semiclassical scaling
4.2 Stationary states
4.2.1 Ground state
4.2.2 Symmetric and central vortex states
4.2.3 Numerical methods for the stationary states
4.2.4 Numerical results for the stationary states
4.3 Conclusion
Chapter 5 Applications to dynamics of rotating two-component BEC
5.1 Some properties of the coupled GPEs
5.2 A TSSP method for the coupled GPEs
5.2.1 Time-splitting
5.2.2 Discretization in 2D
5.2.3 Stability
5.3 Numerical results for the dynamics
5.4 Conclusion
Chapter 6 Application into ground state of spinor BEC
6.1 A continuous normalized gradient flow
6.1.1 Euler-Lagrange equations
6.1.2 A continuous normalized gradient flow
6.2 Normalization and magnetization conservative and energy diminishing numerical scheme
6.2.1 Semi-discretization in time
6.2.2 A fully discretized method
6.3 Numerical results
6.3.1 Choice of initial data and energy diminishing
6.3.2 Accuracy test
6.3.3 Applications
6.4 Conclusion
Chapter 7 Applications to dynamics of spinor F=1 BEC
7.1 The generalized Gross-Pitaevskii equations
7.2 A TSSP method for the generalized GPEs
7.2.1 Time-splitting
7.2.2 Discretization in 2D
7.2.3 Stability
7.3 Numerical results
7.3.1 Accuracy tests
7.3.2 Generation of vortices
7.3.3 Dynamics of a vortex lattice
7.4 Conclusion
Chapter 8 Concluding remarks and future work
Bibliography 2100433B
飞行动力学(AIRCRAFT DYNAMICS ) 是研究飞行器在空中的运动规律及总体性能的科学。所有穿过流体介质或者是真空的运动体,统称为飞行器。主要包括航天器、航空器、弹箭、水下兵器等。研究弹...
Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) 玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚(BEC)是科学巨匠爱因斯坦在80年前预言的一种新物态。这里的"凝聚" 与日常生活中的凝聚不同,它表示原来不同状态的原子突然"凝聚"到同一状态(一般是基态)。即处于不同状态的原子"凝聚"到了同一种状态。
玻色气体(英语:Bose gas)是一个经典的理想气体的量子力学模型。其概念相似于费米气体。
玻色子具有整数自旋,并遵守玻色-爱因斯坦统计。萨特延德拉·纳特·玻色阐明了光子的表现,并为统计力学遵从量子规则的微系统提供了机会,1924年写了一篇推导普朗克量子辐射定律的论文寄给当时在德国的爱因斯坦,爱因斯坦意识到这篇论文的重要性,并将其扩展到不同的经典理想气体的宏观粒子,不但亲自把它翻译成德语,还以玻色的名义把论文递予名望颇高的《德国物理学刊》("Zeitschrift für Physik")发表。