1 General Provisions
2 Termsand Symbols
2. 1 Terms
2.2 Abloreviation
2.3 Symbols
3 Overall Design
3.1 General Requirements
3.2 Main Technical Standards
3.3 System and Interface Design
4 Transportation Organization
5 Route Alignment
5.1 General Requirements
5.2 Route Plan
5.3 Route Profile
5.4 Intersections, Subsidiary Facilities and Others
6 Earthworks
6.1 General Requirements
6.2 Shape and Width of Track Formation
6.3 Subgrade
6.4 Embankment
6.5 Cutting
6.6 Earthworks Drainage
6.7 Earthworks Retaining and Protection
6.8 Interface Design
7 Bridge and Culvert
7.1 General Requirements
7.2 Design Load
7.3 Limits for Structural Deformation, Displacement and Natural Vibration Frequency
7.4 Deck Layout and Auxiliary Facilities
7.5 Interface Design
8 Tunnel
9 Track
10 Station and Yard
11 Traction Power Supply
12 Electric Power
13 Communication
14 Signaling
15 Information
16 Locomotive Facilities
17 Rolling Stock Facilities
18 Water Supply and Drainage
19 Maintenance Facilities
20 Environmental Protection
Words Used for Different Degrees of Strictness
Normative References2100433B
To promote the exchange and cooperation in railway technology between China and the rest of the world,National Railway Administration organized the translation of this Code.
This Code is the official English language version of TB 10625-2017. The Chinese version of this Code was issued by National Railway Administration and came into effect on May 1,2017. In case of discrepancies between the two versions,the Chinese version shall prevail. National Railway Administration owns the copyright of this English version.
The Third Railway Survey and Design Institute Group Corporation prepared the English version China Railway Engineering Consulting Group Co. , Ltd.provided great support during review of this English version.
Your comments are invited and should be addressed to Technology and Legislation Department of National Railway Administration, No. 6 Fuxing Road, Beijing 100860, P. R. China and China Railway Economic and Planning Research Institute,29B,Beifengwo Road, Haidian District,Beijing 100038,P. R. China.
The translation was performed by Ma Li,Zhang Yue Zhang Tian,Yu Hongfei,Chen Yue, Wu Xitao,Li Dahui, Cao Jianing, Xun Jialei, Huo Fei, Zhang Xiaobo, Liu Xinyu, Li Changqing, Wang Yifei,Lin Mingjia,Wang Jingyuan,Xiong Fei,Dai Ping,Huang Jianshuang,Pei Lu,Wang Simeng, Di Jiao,Tang Haimin,Liu Weichao,Zheng Qianying,Sun Fangying,Shi Zijin,Lu Chang.
The translation was reviewed by Chen Shibai, Wang Lei, Yang Quanliang, Zhai Jinying, Bao Wei,Wang Lingling,Xu Weiping,Liu Dalei.
《重载铁路设计规范(TB10625-2017 英汉对照)》根据重载铁路轴重大、牵引质量大、运量大的技术特点,贯彻落实安全优先原则,强化质量安全、节约能源资源、环境保护等技术要求,注重总体设计和接口设计,并结合我国国情、经济发展水平、运输需求和环境条件等因素,按照提高运输效率、节省全生命周期成本等基本目标和安全可靠、先进成熟、经济适用的基本原则,确定了重载铁路技术标准、设备配置要求等。
《重载铁路设计规范(TB10625-2017 英汉对照)》由20章组成,其内容包括:总则、术语和符号、总体设计、运输组织、线路、路基、桥涵、隧道、轨道、站场、电力牵引供电、电力、通信、信号、信息、机务设备、车辆设备、给水排水、维修设施、环境保护。
《铁路隧道设计规范(TB10003-2016 英文版)》由16章组成,包括总则、术语和符号、总体设计、隧道勘察、设计荷载、建筑材料、隧道洞口、隧道衬砌、洞内附属构筑物及轨道、防水与排水、通风与照明、特殊岩土和不良地质、辅助坑道、施工方法及主要措施、隧道改建、环境保护,另有10个附录。
内径: mm
外径: mm
厚度: mm
INA SL19-2328-TB-BR-XL轴承 - SL19-2328-TB-BR-XL轴承的用途 用于 高压水流清洗机、 抛丸清理机、 蒸汽清洗机、 洗地机 、扫地机、 熨烫洗涤设备等等。 INA SL19-2328-TB-BR-XL轴承 - SL19-2328-TB-BR-XL轴承的样本图