Chapter 1 Survey
1.1 Pipeline Safety under Challenge
1.2 Recent North American Pipeline Accident Cases
1.3 Significance of PIA for China
Chapter 2 Progress on Pipeline Integrity Management and Assessment
2.1 PIM Implementation by World Large Pipeline Companies
2.2 Pipeline Integrity Assessment(PIA) Technical Progress
2.3 Summary
Chapter 3 Technical Standards for Pipeline Integrity
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Series of PIM Standards Developed in Industrial Countries
3.3 Comparison of Integrity Management Standards between Gas Pipelines and Liquid Pipelines
3.4 PIM Standard and Code Evolvement in China
3.5 Sketch of PIM Standards
3.6 Some Thoughts on Integrity Standard Development in China
Chapter 4 Pipeline Integrity Failure Mechanism
4.1 Studies of Stress/Strain Fields around the Crack Tip Process Zone
4.2 The Pipeline Fracture Behavior Model under HIC Environment
4.3 Fractal Research on Cracks Propagation of Pipes under HIC
Chapter 5 In-line Inspection Practice and Pressure Test Assessment
5.1 Pipeline In-line Inspection (ILI) Technologies and Implementation Program
5.2 ILI Technical Practice and Signal Processing
5.3 Pressure Test Assessment
Chapter 6 Corrosion Assessment Technology and Applications
6.1 Analysis of the Compositons of the Black Powder within Gas Pipelines and Its Preventive Solutions
6.2 Dry Gas Inteal Corrosion Direct Assessment (DG-ICDA )
6.3 Exteal Corrosion Direct Assessment
6.4 Gas Pipeline Valve Erosion and Life Prediction Technology
6.5 Inteal Coating Assessment of In-service Pipeline
6.6 Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) Direct Assessment
Chapter 7 Fitness-for-Purpose Assessment Technology and Application
7.1 Analysis and Assessment of the Impact of Explosion Waves on the Cross
Section of the Pipeline
7.2 The Possibility Assessment of Pipeline Stress Corrosion Cracking
7.3 Analysis of Pipeline Bucking Caused by Exteal Force
7.4 Safety Assessment of Pipeline Bending Deformation
7.5 Integrity Assessment of the Pipeline Settlement at the Valve Station
7.6 Risk Assessment of Upgraded Local Class
7.7 Defects Assessment of Pipeline Inteal Inspection References
Chapter 8 Pipeline Weld Image Defect Recognition and Assessment
8.1 Brief
8.2 Verification of Image Edge Detection Technology of Pipeline Weld Based on Multi - operator Fusion
8.3 CLTP Extraction Technology for Pipeline Weld Defect Texture Features of X-Ray Film
8.4 SVM Method on Pipeline Weld Defect Image Recognition Based on CLTP Texture & Shape Feature
Chapter 9 The New Development of PIM and Integrity Assessment
9.1 Pipeline Four-dimensional Management Technology
9.2 Application and Development of Pipeline Integrity Management during the Era of the Inteet of Things(IOT)
9.3 Development of the Oil and Gas Station Integrity Management Assessment Techniques
9.4 Integrity Assessment Techniques of High-grade,Full-scale Pipeline Gas
9.5 Guided Wave Tomography for Quantification of Corrosion Damage in Fluid-filled Pipes
Chapter 10 Case of Pipeline Integrity Assessment Practice
10.1 Introduction
10.2 BGPC Pipeline Integrity Management System Framework
10.3 Practice of Pipeline Integrity Assessment Technology
10.4 Conclusions
In view of problems existed in the application of pipeline integrity management and through deep analysis of typical accidents at home and abroad ,this book elaborated on technical standards of pipeline integrity,failure mechanism,and integrity assessment technologies of in line inspection,pressure test assessment and DA technologies (ECDA,ICDA,SCCDA),which solve the problems of matching between inspection & detection signal and size accuracy. Corrosion assessment technology was focused on pipeline black powder and inhibitor prevention,inteal coating assessment,and fitness-for-purpose (FFP)assessment technology was given. for weld seam of pipeline,image processing and recognition technology for weld film includes image processing,defect feature extraction,defect classification and identification was proposed,and ultimately the welds defects was identified and found automatically.
This book also aims at the edge technology of pipeline integrity,and pipeline station facilities integrity was studied and full-size pipeline explosion assessment were done,guided wave tomography for quantification of corrosion damage in Fluid-Filled Pipes was produced. Some cases was quoted from pipeline operation and maintenance practice completely,which contribute to apply into the practice,so as to minimum the risk. This book mainly read for oil and gas pipeline operation and maintenance management personnel,and may for being engaged in the technical personnel and administrative personnel of the oil and gas storage and transportation and plumbing engineering refers.
前言第一章 绪论第一节 互换性概述第二节 加工误差和公差第三节 极限与配合标准第四节 技术测量概念第五节 本课程的性质、任务与基本要求思考题与习题第二章 光滑孔、轴尺寸的公差与配合第一节 公差与配合的...
第2版前言第1版前言第1章 土方工程1.1 土的分类与工程性质1.2 场地平整、土方量计算与土方调配1.3 基坑土方开挖准备与降排水1.4 基坑边坡与坑壁支护1.5 土方工程的机械化施工复习思考题第2...
第一篇 综合篇第一章 绿色建筑的理念与实践第二章 绿色建筑评价标识总体情况第三章 发挥“资源”优势,推进绿色建筑发展第四章 绿色建筑委员会国际合作情况第五章 上海世博会园区生态规划设计的研究与实践第六...
柜号 序号 G1 1 G1 2 G1 3 G2 4 G2 5 G2 6 G2 7 G2 8 G2 9 G1 10 G2 11 G2 12 G2 13 G2 14 G1 15 G1 16 G1 17 G2 18 G2 19 G2 20 G1 21 G3 22 G3 23 G3 24 G3 25 G3 26 G3 27 G1 28 G1 29 G3 30 G3 31 G2 32 G2 33 G2 34 G2 35 G2 36 G2 37 G2 38 下右 39 下右 40 下右 41 下右 42 下右 43 下右 44 下右 45 下右 46 下右 47 下右 48 下右 49 下右 50 下右 51 下右 52 下右 53 下左 54 下左 55 下左 56 下左 57 下左 58 下左 59 下左 60 下左 61 下左 62 下左 63 下左 64 下左 65 下左 66 下左 67 下
1 工程常用图书目录(电气、给排水、暖通、结构、建筑) 序号 图书编号 图书名称 价格(元) 备注 JTJ-工程 -24 2009JSCS-5 全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施-电气 128 JTJ-工程 -25 2009JSCS-3 全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施-给水排水 136 JTJ-工程 -26 2009JSCS-4 全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施-暖通空调 ?动力 98 JTJ-工程 -27 2009JSCS-2 全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施-结构(结构体系) 48 JTJ-工程 -28 2007JSCS-KR 全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施 节能专篇-暖通空调 ?动力 54 JTJ-工程 -29 11G101-1 混凝土结构施工图平面整体表示方法制图规则和构造详图(现浇混凝土框架、剪力墙、框架 -剪力墙、框 支剪力墙结构、现浇混凝土楼面与屋面板) 69 代替 00G101
1 概述
1.1 管道安全面临挑战
1.2 中国油气管道事故案例
2 管道完整性评估技术进展
2.1 全球油气管道完整性管理及评估技术进展
2.2 油气管道氢致开裂失效行为研究进展
2.3 氢致裂纹扩展的分形研究进展
2.4 管道内涂层评估研究进展
2.5 管道缺陷适用性评价技术进展
3 管道完整性评估技术标准
3.1 完整性管理评估标准的研究与分析
3.2 管道检测与评估技术标准体系建设与应用
4 管道完整性评估理论
4.1 管道裂纹尖端过程区的应力应变场研究
4.2 管道氢致裂纹扩展的断裂模型
4.3 管道氢环境下含裂纹管道的完整性评价
4.4 管道韧性硬化材料裂纹扩展分形研究
4.5 管道氢致裂纹扩展的分形断裂评估模型
4.6 管道氢致裂纹扩展的分形仿真模拟
4.7 管道氢致裂纹扩展的分形速率
4.8 管道氢致开裂的分形试验研究
4.9 输气管道X52管材焊缝氢致裂纹扩展分形模型
4.10 螺旋焊管R阻力曲线的确定
4.11 螺旋焊管与直缝焊管I、Ⅱ型裂纹断裂分析
4.12 管道非稳定扩展速率的研究
4.13 天然气管道抗震可靠性研究
4.14 管道焊缝缺陷评估理论
5 检测与测试技术
5.1 输气管道在线内检测技术
5.2 管道外检测技术
5.3 站场超声导波技术
5.4 站场分离器冻堵C扫描检测技术
5.5 压缩机组的应变与振动测试
5.6 重载碾压管道的安全性测试与分析
6 腐蚀评估技术
6.1 天然气管道粉尘腐蚀机理与监测抑制技术
6.2 输气管道。ICDA直接评估技术
6.3 管道外腐蚀直接评价技术
6.4 工艺管道阀门磨损冲蚀评估技术
6.5 在役管道内涂层评估技术
6.6 应力腐蚀开裂直接评估技术
7 安全评估技术
7.1 爆炸冲击波对跨越段管道的影响分析评价
7.2 管道应力腐蚀可能性评估
7.3 管道外力屈曲变形分析
7.4 管道弯曲管道安全评价
7.5 石油、天然气管道完整性(安全)评价与寿命预测
7.6 基于API 58l标准的输气管道站场安全评价
7.7 西气东输长铝支线(风险)评价报告
7.8 管道应急抢险ABAQUS安全评价仿真分析
7.9 冲沟填平对管道安全性影响的完整性评价
7.10 阀室管道沉降的完整性评价
7.11 站场完整性管理与评价技术
7.12 管道内检测缺陷评估技术
7.13 并行埋地敷设管道安全性评估技术
8 管道完整性新技术
8.1 管道四维管理技术
8.2 物联网时代的完整性管理
8.3 四维地理信息系统4D-GIS的开发研究
8.4 高钢级大口径管道气体爆破试验评估技术
8.5 城市燃气管道完整性管理评估技术
8.6 完整性评估技术发展与应用对策