《国际灯光经典设计:建筑照明的艺术与技巧》主要内容:LIGHTING SPACES celebrates the beauty, utility and technology that professional lighting design brings to architecture, interior design and landscape architecture in the United States and the world。 With profound social, economic and technotogical changes transforming modern society, lighting has now emerged as a critical component in the new environments that corporations, institutions and private citizens are developing for the 21st cen- fury。 The range of innovative and breathtaking lighting solutions illustrated in this volume reflects the broad scope of today's lighting designers。 The lighting recently created for the offices, shopping malls, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, theaters, public parks, museums, airports, private residences and other facitities depicted in LIGHTING SPACES will give architects, interior design- ers, landscape architects and their clients an excellent opportunity to consider their own options for lighting their facilities。
What kinds of lighting installations can be found in LIGHTING SPACES"para" label-module="para">
Thus, LIGHTING SPACES offers the opportunity to review the portfolios of many of today's top lighting designers。 Taking readers on guided tours of one outstanding lighting environment after another, the book offers insights about how tightincj design creates information, ambiance, safety, security, energy conservation and other objectives set by property owners and managers and their design consuttants。 Because few individuats could easily visit so many far-flung installations, LIGHTING SPACES depicts its projects in superb, four-color photography reproduced on fine, heavy-weight paper to bring their images to life。 Here are state-of-the-art lighting concepts that can be put to work immediately on projects being developed now。 This is a book planned for frequent use, with all projects indexed for easy reference to aid architects, interior designers, Landscape designers and their clients, introducing reading righting designers and their illumihating accomplishments。
你好,据我了解: 玄关: 最初印象的地方玄关是进入这栋房子给人以最初印象的地方。因此我个人建议最好利用壁灯和室内落地灯的余光,还可以利用高亮度的LED灯光直射吊顶或墙壁,可以获得柔和的漫反射光照,达到...
一、办公室装修方案设计要点 1、秩序感: 在设计中的秩序,是指形的反复、节奏、完整和简洁。办公室装修也正是运用这一基本理论来创造一种安静、平和与整洁环境。秩序感是办公室装修的一个基本要素。秩序在办公室...
室内设计经典布光思路及灯光讲解 有个著名而经典的布光理论就是 “三点照明”。笔者在此简述一下 : 三点照明,又称为区域照明,一般用于较小范围的场景照明。如果场 景很大,可以把它拆分成若干个较小的区域进行布光。 一般有三盏灯 即可,分别为主体光、辅助光与背景光。 主体光:通常用它来照亮场景中的主要对象与其周围区域, 并且担任 给主体对象投影的功能。 主要的明暗关系由主体光决定, 包括投影的 方向。主体光的任务根据需要也可以用几盏灯光来共同完成。如 :主 光灯在 1 5度到 30度的位置上,称顺光;在 45度到 90度的位置上, 称为侧光;在 90度到 120度的位置上成为侧逆光。主体光常用聚光 灯来完成。笔者喜欢把 主体光的亮度设置为 240左右。 辅助光: 又称为补光。用一个聚光灯照射扇形反射面,以形成一种均匀的、非 直射性的柔和光源,用它来填充阴影区以及被主体光遗漏的场景区 域、调和明
3DMAX 灯光知识(经典) 看的时候认真体会一下,你对灯光的认识一定有进步! 1、我做外观效果图最不行的是灯光,外观效果图出现楼群建筑的时候 打一个平行光和几个辅助泛光远远不够,整个场景显得很呆板,请教各 位有什么好办法没有? 答:不知你说的是黑天还是白天,就说白天吧。灯光分几种,首先 是主光源,外景的光线就是太阳。可由多盏平行光来模拟,只是一盏根 本不行,一盏光线太硬,设置大的光线衰减,使光线柔和,倾斜向下照 射,还有外界的反光,也叫天空光,由聚光灯模拟,灯光角度设大些, 钝角,设置大些的光线衰减,令光线柔和。然后就是反光,由聚光灯模 拟,由地面下方向上照射,排除地面本身,光线要比主光源弱,设置大 的衰减。最后是补光,哪里光线太暗,就放一盏泛光灯,并使用光线排 除功能只照射暗处。还可试试用太阳光吧。 2、效果图中筒灯的逼真效果是如何制作的,筒光本身是亮的,周围又 有被筒灯照亮的效果
《国际灯光经典设计:建筑照明的艺术与技巧》主要内容:LIGHTING SPACES celebrates the beauty, utility and technology that professional lighting design brings to architecture, interior design and landscape architecture in the United States and the world。 With profound social, economic and technotogical changes transforming modern society, lighting has now emerged as a critical component in the new environments that corporations, institutions and private citizens are developing for the 21st cen- fury。 The range of innovative and breathtaking lighting solutions illustrated in this volume reflects the broad scope of today's lighting designers。 The lighting recently created for the offices, shopping malls, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, theaters, public parks, museums, airports, private residences and other facitities depicted in LIGHTING SPACES will give architects, interior design- ers, landscape architects and their clients an excellent opportunity to consider their own options for lighting their facilities。
What kinds of lighting installations can be found in LIGHTING SPACES"para" label-module="para">
Thus, LIGHTING SPACES offers the opportunity to review the portfolios of many of today's top lighting designers。 Taking readers on guided tours of one outstanding lighting environment after another, the book offers insights about how tightincj design creates information, ambiance, safety, security, energy conservation and other objectives set by property owners and managers and their design consuttants。 Because few individuats could easily visit so many far-flung installations, LIGHTING SPACES depicts its projects in superb, four-color photography reproduced on fine, heavy-weight paper to bring their images to life。 Here are state-of-the-art lighting concepts that can be put to work immediately on projects being developed now。 This is a book planned for frequent use, with all projects indexed for easy reference to aid architects, interior designers, Landscape designers and their clients, introducing reading righting designers and their illumihating accomplishments。
Roger Yee, an architecture graduate of Yale School of Architecture, has received honors for his work in the field from such organizations as the American Institute of Architects, the American Society of Interior Designers and the Association of Business Publishers。 Former editor-in-chief of Corporate Design 8, Realty, Contract, and Unique Homes, he is now a contributing editor to such publications as Engineering News Record, Oculus, and Woman's Day Kitchens & Baths, as well as being the author and editor of Corporate Inter/ors, Educational Environments, Healthcare 5paces, 5ports & Recreational Facilities and Hotel & Restaurant Design。
His other activities in the field have included being marketing advisor to Cushman & Wakefield, a national real estate firm, serving as draftsman and designer to architecture firms, most notably Philip Johnson & John Burgee, and tecturing on design at institutions of higher education, including Dartmouth Collego and Columbia University。 He is a consultant on editorial public relations and marketing issues to numerous orgamzations in the design community。
Introduction: Turn on the Lights
Ann Kale Associates
AWAArchitectural Lighting Designers
Bouyea & Associates
Brilliant Lighting Design
CD M Lighting Design Group
C.M. Kling & Associates, Inc.
Domingo Gonzales Associates
Fox Fox Design
Francis Krahe & Associates
Gallegos Lighting Design
H.E. Banks Associates
Horton Lees Brogden Lighting Design, Inc.
John Levy Lighting Productions, Inc.
Lang Lighting Design
Lightbrigade Architectural Lighting
Lighting Design Alliance
Lighting Design Solutions / H.H. Angus
The Lighting Practice
LightVision, LLC
Luminae Souter Associates, LLC
Peters & Myer
SBLD Design
Sean O'Connor Associates
Visual Terrain
Quality vs Quantity"para" label-module="para">
Index by Project