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2022/07/15165 作者:佚名
导读:《国际灯光经典设计:建筑照明的艺术与技巧》主要内容:LIGHTING SPACES celebrates the beauty, utility and technology that professional lighting design brings to architecture, interior design and landscape architecture in the Unit

《国际灯光经典设计:建筑照明的艺术与技巧》主要内容:LIGHTING SPACES celebrates the beauty, utility and technology that professional lighting design brings to architecture, interior design and landscape architecture in the United States and the world。 With profound social, economic and technotogical changes transforming modern society, lighting has now emerged as a critical component in the new environments that corporations, institutions and private citizens are developing for the 21st cen- fury。 The range of innovative and breathtaking lighting solutions illustrated in this volume reflects the broad scope of today's lighting designers。 The lighting recently created for the offices, shopping malls, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, theaters, public parks, museums, airports, private residences and other facitities depicted in LIGHTING SPACES will give architects, interior design- ers, landscape architects and their clients an excellent opportunity to consider their own options for lighting their facilities。

What kinds of lighting installations can be found in LIGHTING SPACES"para" label-module="para">

Thus, LIGHTING SPACES offers the opportunity to review the portfolios of many of today's top lighting designers。 Taking readers on guided tours of one outstanding lighting environment after another, the book offers insights about how tightincj design creates information, ambiance, safety, security, energy conservation and other objectives set by property owners and managers and their design consuttants。 Because few individuats could easily visit so many far-flung installations, LIGHTING SPACES depicts its projects in superb, four-color photography reproduced on fine, heavy-weight paper to bring their images to life。 Here are state-of-the-art lighting concepts that can be put to work immediately on projects being developed now。 This is a book planned for frequent use, with all projects indexed for easy reference to aid architects, interior designers, Landscape designers and their clients, introducing reading righting designers and their illumihating accomplishments。


