Unit OneCAD and CAM(Ⅰ)1
Section A1
Listening & Speaking1
Section B3
Text AAutoCAD3
Text BComputer Aided Manufacturing9
Text CSunday School Teacher11
Section C15
Translation Skills数词的译法(一)15
Unit TwoCAD and CAM(Ⅱ)18
Section A18
Listening & Speaking18
Section B20
Text ACAM and Applications20
Text CFather30
Section C34
Translation Skills数词的译法(二)34
Unit ThreeComputer"para" label-module="para">
Section A37
Listening & Speaking37
Section B39
Text AComputer"para" label-module="para">
Text BCIM46
Text CGreenland—Where Santa Claus Comes48
Section C51
Translation Skills否定结构的翻译(一)51
Unit FourThe History of NC and CNC Development55
Section A55
Listening & Speaking55
Section B57
Text AThe History of NC and CNC Development57
Text BNC and CNC62
Text CWhat Is Happiness"para" label-module="para">
Section C68
Translation Skills否定结构的翻译(二)68
Unit FiveCMM and EDM71
Section A71
Listening & Speaking71
Section B73
Text AElectrical Discharge Machining73
Text BCoordinate Measuring Machines79
Text CMisunderstanding Means East"para" label-module="para">
Section C85
Translation Skills长句的翻译(一)85
Unit SixIntroduction to Group Technology(GT)88
Section A88
Listening & Speaking88
Section B90
Text AIntroduction to Group Technology(GT)90
Text BDesign Retrieval96
Text CEnergy98
Section C101
Translation Skills长句的翻译(二)101
Unit SevenIntroduction to Simulation104
Section A104
Listening & Speaking104
Section B106
Text AIntroduction to Simulation106
Text BGraphic Simulation112
Text CBeautiful Smile and Love115
Section C118
Translation Skills科技术语的翻译118
Unit EightIntroduction to Design of Mechanism System121
Section A121
Listening & Speaking121
Section B123
Text AThe Future Factory Is Digital123
Text BIndustrial Robots129
Text CJob Interview Tips132
Section C136
Translation Skills科技英语翻译练习136
Appendix AGlossary138
Appendix BSign Language Alphabet146
Appendix CText Translation147
墙纸行业 Wallpaper industry 英 [ˈwɔ:lˌpeɪp<...
机械行业常用英语对照 -- 机械英语 2010年 09月 05日 星期日 下午 09:34 stamping, press 冲压 punch press, dieing out press 冲床 uncoiler &strainghtener 整平机 feeder 送料机 rack, shelf, stack 料架 cylinder 油缸 robot 机械手 taker 取料机 conveyer belt 输送带 transmission rack 输送架 top stop 上逝世点 bottom stop 下逝世点 one stroke 一行程 inch 寸动 to continue, cont. 连动 to grip(material) 吸料 location lump, locating piece, block stop 定位块 reset 复位 smoothly 顺利 den
墙 (wall) 墙砌块 (wall block) 墙板 (wall board or plate) 墙面覆盖板 (wall cladding panel) 墙涂料 (wall coating) 墙建筑材料 (wall construction material) 墙面涂料 (wall covering) 幕墙 (curtain wall) 墙的装饰或修饰材料 (wall decoration material, wall finish material) 挖掘墙或壁 (excavation wall) 装饰墙面 (decorative wall facing) 耐火墙 (fire-resistant wall) 燃烧和装饰的透气壁 (gas-permeable wall) 固体内衬墙 (solid lined wall) 麦饭石墙和地板砖 (maifanshi
《行业英语速听速成"para" label-module="para">
《机电工程英语》旨在提高学生的专业英语阅读能力,掌握机电专业常用的英语词汇,以及了解机电领域的最新技术应用。《机电工程英语》不但可用作高职高专机电类专业英语的教学用书,还可作为相关工程技术人员的参考用书 。