1 Introduction
1.1 Elasto-Plastic Finite Elements.
1.2 Bounds and Region of the Convex Yield Surface
1.3 Unified Strength Theory and its Implementation in Computer Codes
1.4 The Effect of Yield Criteria on the Numerical Analysis Results
1.5 Historical Review: With Emphasis on the Implementation and Application of Unified Strength Theory
1.6 Brief Summary
2 Stress and Strain
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Stress at a Point,Stress Invariants
2.3 Deviatoric Stress Tensor and its Invariants
2.4 Stresses on the Oblique Plane
2.4.1 Stresses on the Oblique Plane
2.4.2 Principal Shear Stresses
2.4.30ctahedral Shear Stress
2.5 From Single-Shear Element to Twin-Shear Element
2.6 Stress Space
2.7 Stress State Parameters
2.8 Strain Components
2.9 Equations of Equilibrium
2.10 Generalized Hooke's Law
2.11 Compatibility Equations
2.12 Governing Equations for Plane Stress Problems
2.13 Governing Equations in Polar Coordinates
2.14 Brief Summary
3 Material Models in Computational Plasticity
3.1 Introduction
3:2 Material Models for Non-SD Materials (Metallic Materials)
3.2.1 Hydrostatic Stress Independence
3.2.2 The Tensile Yield Stress Equals the Compressive Yield Stress
3.2.3 Sixfold Symmetry of the Yield Function
3.2.4 Convexity of the Yield Function
3.2.5 Bounds of the Yield Function for Non-SD Materials
3.3 Material Models for SD Materials
3.3.1 General Behavior of Yield Function for SD Materials Six Basic Experimental Points for SD Materials Threefold Symmetry of the Yield Function Convexity of the Yield Function
3.3.2 Three Basic Models for SD Materials
3.4 Multi-Parameter Criteria for Geomaterials
3.4.1 Multi-Parameter Single-Shear Failure Criterion
3.4.2 Multi-Parameter Three-Shear Failure Criterion
3.4.3 Multi-Parameter Twin-Shear Failure Criterion
3.5 Bounds and the Region of the Convex Yield Function
3.6 Brief Summary
4 Unified Strength Theory and its Material Parameters
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Mechanical Model of Unified Strength Theory
4.3 Mathematical Modelling and the Determination of the Material
Parameters of the Unified Strength Theory
4.4 Mathematical Expression of the Unified Strength Theory
4.5 Special Cases of the Unified Strength Theory
4.5.1 Special Cases of the Unified Strength Theory (Varying b)
4.5.2 Special Cases of the Unified Strength Theory (Varying a)
4.6 Other Formulations of the UST and Material Parameters
5 Non-Smooth Multi-Surface Plasticity
6 Implementation of the Unified Strength Theory into FEM Codes
7 Examples of the Application of Unified Elasto-Plastic Constitutive Relations
8 Strip with a Circular Hole under Tension and Compression
9 Plastic Analysis of Footing Foundation Based on the Unified Strenghth Theory
10 Underground Caves,Tunnels and Excavation of Hydraulic Power Station
11 Implementation of the Unified Strength Theory into ABAQUS and its Application
12 2D Simulation of Normal Penetration Using the Unified Strength Theory
13 3D Simulation of Normal and Oblique Penetration and Perforation
14 Underground Mining
15 Reinforced Concrete Beam and Plate
16 Stability Analysis of Underground Caverns Based on the Unified Strength Theory
17 Stability of Slope
18 Unified Strength Theory and FLAC
19 Mesomechanics and Multiscale Modelling for Yield Surface
20 Miscellaneous Issues: Ancient Structures,Propellant of Solid Rocket,Parts of Rocket and Generator2100433B
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[PPT]岩土塑性力学原理——广义塑性力学——郑颖人院士学术报告会 岩土塑性力学原理——广义塑性力学 注:共183页幻灯片 编制日期:2010年2月1日