1 ScOpe
2 Normative Reflerence
3 General
4 Terms and Definition
5 Plane Control Survev
5.1 General nJl''es
5.2 Teehnical design
5.3 POint selection,embedment and survey marks Of plane control network
5.4 Horizontal angle observation
5.5 Electro.optical distance survey
5.6 G10bal positioning system(GPS)survey
5.7 Result check and adjustment calCUlation
5.8 Maintenance and management Ofplane control network
6 Elevatioil Control Survev
6.1 General mles
6.2 Teehnical requirements for leveliIlg salvey
6.3 Trigonometric traverse leveliIlg with electro.optical ranging
6.4 River.crossing trigonometric 1eveling w油electro.optical ranging
6.5 FlieIdwork resuIt processing and adjustment calculation
7 Topographic Survey
7.1 General mles
7.2 Mapping base eontrol salvey
7.3 Requirements for topographic map surveying and mapping
7.4 Digitized mapping
7.5 Underwater topographic survey
8 Preparation Of Setting.OUt Survey
8.1 General rules
8.2 Survey data collection and setting.OUt plan preparation
8.3 Setting.out data processing
8.4 Selection Of setting.Oilt methods and setting.out station
8.5 IrIspection Ofinstrument and salvey apparatus
9 Excavation,Filling and Concrete Construction Survey
9.1 General mles
9.2 Excavation survey
9.3 Survey Of filling and conerete construction
9.4 Setting.out point checking
9.5 Section survey and construction quantity calculation
9.6 Data processing
10 Metal Structure and Electro.mechanical Equipment Installation Survey
10.1 General nlles
10.2 SHIVey and mapping 0f specific installation control network
installation axis point and elevation basic poiIlt
10.3 Setting ont 0finstallation pointS
10.4 Check Ofinstallation setting.out pOints...
10.5 Data processing
11 Underground Works Survey
11.1 General rules
11.2 Control survey outside tunnel
11.3 Control survey inside tunnel
11.4 Construction setting out and section survey
11.5 Data processing
12 Dredging Works, Canal and Dyke Survey
12.1 Dredging works survey
12.2 Canal and dyke survey
12.3 Data processing
13 Ancillary Works Survey
13.1 General rules
13.2 Survey of screening, mixing and belt conveyor feeding systems ~
13.3 Survey of cable-crane, tower-crane and bridge-crane
13.4 Cofferdam and embankment dyke construction survey
13.5 Data processing
14 Deformation Monitoring During Construction Period
14.1 General rules
14.2 Point selection and embedment
14.3 Horizontal displacement observation
14.4 Vertical displacement observation
14.5 Calculation and data processing
15 Construction Completion Survey
15.1 General rules
15.2 Earth-rock excavation and filling works
15.3 Concrete works
15.4 Metal structure and electro-mechanical equipment installation works
15.5 Data processing
16 Data Compilation2100433B
水电水利工程施工测量规范 txt全集附件已上传到百度网盘,点击免费下载:
建筑工程施工测量规范 篇一:施工控制测量规范 2 施工控制测量 (Ⅰ)场区平面控制: 第 7.2.1 条 场区的平面控制网,可根据场区地形条件和建 筑物、构筑物的布置情况,布设成建筑方格网、导线网、三 角网或三边网。 第 7.2.2 条 场区的平面控制网,应根据等 级控制点进行定位、定向和起算。 第 7.2.3 条 场区平面控制网的等级和精度,应符合下列规 定: 一、建筑场地大于 1K ㎡或重要工业区, 宜建立相当于 一级导线精度的平面控制网; 二、建筑场地小于 1K ㎡或一般性建筑区, 可根据需要建立 相当于二、三级导线精度的平面控制网; 三、当原有控制网作为场区控制网时,应进行复测检查。 第 7.2.4条 建筑方格网的主要技术要求, 应符合表 7.2.4的 规定。 建筑方格网的主要技术要求表 7.2.4 第 7.2.5条 建筑方格网的首级控制, 可采用轴线法或布网法, 其施测的主要技
为规范和指导我省建筑岩土工程施工测量,我厅拟立项由中国建筑西南勘察设计研究院有限公司主编制订四川省工程建设地方标准《四川省建筑岩土工程施工测量规范》(简称《规范》)。 《规范》适用范围:四川省建筑岩土工程施工测量。 《规范》主要技术内容:测量准备、工程勘察测量、土方施工测量、基坑施工测量、岩土工程施工测量、结构应力和变形监测、竣工测量与竣工图编绘等。 现予以公示,若有不同意见,请于2016年2月16日前反馈至四川省住房和城乡建设厅标准定额处。 联系人及电话:张 欣 028-85534792 清 沉 028-85568204 电子邮箱:mubin55@163.com
通讯地址:成都市人民南路四段36号 邮政编码:610041