Mercury Emission and its Control in Chinese Coal-Fired Power Plants focuses on investigating mercury emissions samplings and measurement in Chinese coal-fired power plantsmercury emission estimations and future trendsmercury speciation transformarion during coal combustionmercury control and mercury stability in byproducts.The book not only introduces mercury emissions from actual coal-fired power plantsbut also presents studies on the mechanism of mercury emission and its control.This is a valuable reference for engineering thermal physiciststhermal engineersand chemical engineers.
1 Controlling Pollutants in Coal-Fired Power Plants in China
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Coal Consumption and Air Pollutant Control in Coal-Fired Power Plants in China
1.3 Research of Mercury Emissions and Their Control in China
1.4 Outline of the Book
1.5 Summary
2 Mercury Sampling and Measurement in Coal-Fired Power Plants...
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Mercury Measurement Method in Coal-Fired Power Plants
2.3 Process of Mercury Sampling
2.4 Results of Mercury Sampling and Measurement
2.5 Mercury Balance Analysis
2.6 Mercury Removal by Existing Pollutant Control Devices
2.7 Summary
3 Estimation of Mercury Emissions from Coal-Fired Power Plants in China
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Estimated Formula for Mercury Emissions
3.3 Estimation of Mercury Emissions from Coal-Fired Power Plants in China
3.4 The Future Development Trend Forecasts
3.5 Summary
4 Mercury Speciation Transformation During Coal Combustion
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Mercury Emissions from Coal of Different Combustion Types
4.3 Research on Reaction Kinetics of Mercury Speciation Transformation in Flue Gas
4.4 Equilibrium Thermochemical Analysis of Mercury Speciation Transformation After Coal Combustion
4.5 Modeling Research on Mercury Speciation Transformation During Coal Combustion
4.6 Summary
5 Mercury Control and Mercury Stability in Byproducts
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Experimental Research System for the Absorption of Hgg
5.3 Experimental Research on Mercury Absorption of Different Sorbents
5.4 Research on Hg Chemical Absorption on the Surface of Activated Carbon
5.5 Mercury Stability of Pollution Control Producer
5.6 Summary
目前国内燃煤电厂逐步开展超低排放改造。针对某电厂超低排放改造前后污染物控制设备的物耗和能耗变化进行分析,主要包括脱硫系统的石灰石和水的消耗量以及电耗、SCR系统的液氨耗量以及电耗、和静电除尘器的能耗,为火力发电厂污染物控制设备进一步节能降耗提供参考。根据计算得出的物耗、能耗,计算某电厂超低排放改造前后污染物控制单元能耗和物耗的附加煤耗:2014年污染物控制单元总的附加煤耗为17.07 g/k W·h,2015年为17.86 g/k W·h,超低排放改造后为18.28 g/k W·h。针对超低排放改造前后的物耗和能耗以及附加煤耗的变化进行分析,研究变化原因,为企业提高发电效率和节能减排提供指引。超低排放的投入导致了运行成本的增加,但统筹考虑带来的环境效益,超低排放是现实且可行的选择,是改善环境的重要出路。
目前国内燃煤电厂逐步开展超低排放改造。针对某电厂超低排放改造前后污染物控制设备的物耗和能耗变化进行分析,主要包括脱硫系统的石灰石和水的消耗量以及电耗、SCR系统的液氨耗量以及电耗、和静电除尘器的能耗,为火力发电厂污染物控制设备进一步节能降耗提供参考。根据计算得出的物耗、能耗,计算某电厂超低排放改造前后污染物控制单元能耗和物耗的附加煤耗:2014年污染物控制单元总的附加煤耗为17.07 g/k W·h,2015年为17.86 g/k W·h,超低排放改造后为18.28 g/k W·h。针对超低排放改造前后的物耗和能耗以及附加煤耗的变化进行分析,研究变化原因,为企业提高发电效率和节能减排提供指引。超低排放的投入导致了运行成本的增加,但统筹考虑带来的环境效益,超低排放是现实且可行的选择,是改善环境的重要出路。
1 绪论
2 煤及其燃烧产物中汞的分析方法
3 煤中汞的分布和形态转化
4 煤燃烧过程中汞的反应机理及化学动力学研究
5 燃煤电厂汞的排放与控制
6 碳基吸附剂脱汞
7 非碳基吸附剂脱汞
8 燃煤飞灰与汞的相互作用机制