导读: PrefaceCHAPTER ONE: Modelling of dominant height growth and building of polymorphic site index equations of chinese fir plantations1 Introduction2 Material and methods3 Results and analysis4 Conc
PrefaceCHAPTER ONE: Modelling of dominant height growth and building of polymorphic site index equations of chinese fir plantations1 Introduction2 Material and methods3 Results and analysis4 ConclusionsCHAPTER TWO: A review of stand basal area growth models1 Introduction2 Features of stand basal area growth models3 Types of models4 Early work on stand basal area models5 Recent progress and future directions6 ConclusionsCHAPTER THREE: Individual tree basal area growth dynamics of chinese firplantations1 Introduction2 Materials and methods3 Results and discussion4 ConclusionCHAPTER FOUR: Application of theoretical growth equations for standdiameter structure simulation of chinese fir plantations1 Introduction2 Materials and methods3 Results and analysis4 ConclusionsCHAPTER FIVE: A new high-performance diameter distribution function for unthinned chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) Plantations in southern China1 Introduction2 MATERIALS AND METHODS3 RESIILTS AND DISCUSSION4 ConclusionsCHAPTER SIX: Application of fuzzy functions in stand diameter distributions of chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) plantations1 Introduction2 Data and Methods3 Results and Discussion4 ConclusionCHAPTER SEVEN: Testing the self-thinning rule in chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) plantations1 Introduction2 Materials and methods3 Results4 DiscussionCHAPTER EIGHT: Estimation of the self-thinning boundary line within even-aged chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook.) stands: Onset of self-thinning1 Introduction2 Materials and Methods3 Results4 Discussion5 ConclusionsCHAPTER NINE: A comparison of methods for estimating the self-thinningboundary line: selecting data points and fitting coefficients1 Introduction2 Material and Methods3 Results and Discussion4 Conclusions