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2018/06/19157 作者:佚名
导读: UL20 (General-Use Snap Switches)UL45 便携式电动工具(Portable electric tools )UL94-12 设备和器具部件用塑料材料易燃性的试验 (Test for flammability of plastic materials for parts in devices and appliances )UL153中英文 便携式电灯 (Por

UL20 (General-Use Snap Switches)

UL45 便携式电动工具(Portable electric tools )

UL94-12 设备和器具部件用塑料材料易燃性的试验 (Test for flammability of plastic materials for parts in devices and appliances )

UL153中英文 便携式电灯 (Portable electric luminaires )

UL197 商业电炊事设备 (Commercial electric cooking appliances )

UL207 含制冷剂的非电气部件及附件 (Refrigerant-containing components and accessories, nonelectrical )

UL224 挤压成型绝缘管 (Extruded insulating tubing )

UL244 设备的固态控制装置(Solid-state controls for appliances)

UL248-1-2000低压保险丝(熔断器)第1部分(Standard for Low-Voltage Fuses, Part 1: General Requirements)

UL248-10 (Standard for Low-Voltage Fuses - Part 10: Class L Fuses,)

UL250 家用冰箱和冷冻柜 (Household refrigerators and freezers )

UL291-2000 自动对讲系统 (Automated teller systems )

UL298 便携式电子手提灯 (Portable electric hand lamps

UL310 电气快速联接接头(Electrical quick-connect terminals)

UL399 饮用水冷却器 (Drinking-water coolers )

UL429 电动控制阀 (Electrically operated valves )

Subject U L 429A, "Outline of Investigation for Electrically Operated Valves for Fire Protection Service,"

UL444 通信电缆 (Communications cables )

UL458 陆上车辆和船用电源变换器及其系统 (Power converters/inverters and power converter/inverter systems for land vehicles and marine crafts )

UL471 商用制冷机和冷藏柜 (Commercial refrigerators and freezers )

UL474 减湿器 (Dehumidifiers )

UL484 房间空调器 (Room air conditioners )

UL486A 使用铜导体的电线连接器和焊片

UL486C 绞接接线器 (Splicing wire connectors )

UL486E 铝和/或铜导线用设备布线终端 (Equipment wiring terminals for use with aluminium and/or copper conductors )

UL489 模制断路器,模制开关器和断路器外壳 (Molded-case circuit breakers, molded-case switches, and circuit-breaker enclosures )

UL489A 用于通信设备上的断路器

UL496(中英文) 螺口灯座(爱迪生灯座) (Edison-base lampholders )

UL497A 通信电路的辅助保护装置 (Secondary protectors for communication circuits )

UL498连接插头和插座 (Attachment plugs and receptacles )

UL499 电加热装置 (Electric heating appliances )

UL507 电扇 (Electric fans )

UL746A 聚合材料.快速性能评定 (Polymeric materials - Short term property evaluations )

UL746C 电气设备评定用聚合材料 (Polymeric materials - Use in electrical equipment evaluations )

UL758 设备的布线材料 (Appliance wiring material )

UL 796 印刷线路板标准

UL817 电线集和电力供给电线 (Cord sets and power-supply cords )

UL859 家庭个人修饰用电器 (Household electric personal grooming appliances )

UL935中英文 荧光灯镇流器 (Fluorescent-lamp ballasts )

UL1012 除2级以外的电源设备 (Power units other than class 2 )

UL1018 中文 电气养鱼设备 (Electric aquarium equipment )

UL1026 (中英文) 家用电子灶具和食品加工器具 (Electric household cooking and food serving appliances )

UL1077 (中英文) 用于电气设备上的附加保护器的标准 (Supplementary Protectors for Use in Electrical Equipment)

UL1278 (Standard for Movable and Wall- or Ceiling-Hung Electric Room Heaters)

UL1310A(中英文) 2级 电源设备 (Class 2 power units )

UL1446 绝缘材料系统.总则 (Systems of insulating materials - General )

UL1570 荧光灯设备 (Fluorescent Lighting Fixtures)1997版

UL1581 电线、电缆和软线的参考标准 (Reference standard for electrical wires, cables, and flexible cords )

UL1585 2类和3类变压器 (Class 2 and class 3 transformers )

UL1642-1 -2 -3 -4 UL standard for safty for lithium Batteriy锂电池

UL1659 塞绳装置和电源线用连接插头刀形开关 (Attachement plug blades for use in cord sets and power-supply cords )

UL1693 电辐射加热板和加热板组件 (Electric radiant heating panels and heating panel sets )

UL1778 不间断电源配送设备 (Uninterruptible power supply equipment )

UL1786 夜间照明灯具 (Nightlights )

UL1977 数据、信号、控制和电源用元件连接器 (Component connectors for use in data, signal, control and power applications )

UL1993 自镇流灯泡及其适配器 (Self-ballasted lamps and lamp adapters )

UL2054 家用和商用蓄电池组 (Household and commercial batteries )

UL2111-1997.3 电动机用过热保护装置 (Overheating protection for motors )

UL2111-2002 电动机用过热保护装置 (Overheating protection for motors )

UL6500 家用、商用及 类似用途的音频、视频和音乐装置(Standard for Audio/Video and Musical Instrument Apparatus for Household, Commercial, and Similar General Use)

UL60950 ( 中文 ) 信息技术设备的安全 (Safety of information technology equipment )


