1. 多维拉展空间膜系统 the multi-D stretch-fabric system
2. 拉展软膜墙顶系统 the stretch ceiling & wall system
3. 大型拉膜造型灯柱系统 the large stretch-fabric lamps(pillars) system
4. 3D瓦纹造型墙顶系统 the 3D Wawin ceiling & wall system
5. 软膜喷绘室内灯箱系统 the interior printed-fabric lingting-box system
6. 软膜背光节能照明系统 the fabric background ESL system
7. 玻璃幻彩膜装饰贴膜系列 the magical pc film for glass or other deco
8. 室内运动场反光膜顶 the reflective babric ceiling for interior sports
9. 纳米吊顶墙体材料系列 nano material for ceiling and wall
10.商业展示展览造型软膜系列 the modeling fabric for the exhibition and markets