电力弹簧理论从诞生至今,已经有超过60篇文献发表 ,此处仅罗列SCI文献和中文EI文献。
【1】S. Y. R. Hui,C. K. Lee,F. Wu.Electric springs-A new smart grid technology[J]. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid,2012,3(3):1552-1561.(SCI期刊)
【2】Q.Wang,M.Cheng,Z.Chen,Z.Wang.Steady-stateanalysisofelectricspringswithanovelδcontrol[J].IEEETransactionsonPowerElectronics,2015,30(12):7159-7169.(SCI 期刊)
【3】程明 ,王青松,张建忠. 电力弹簧理论分析与控制器设计[J] . 中国电机工程学报,2015,10:2436-2444. (EI 期刊)
【4】Lee C K,Hui S Y R.Reduction of energy storagerequirements in future smart grid using electricsprings[J].IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid,2013,4(3):1282-1288.(SCI 期刊)
【5】Lee C K,Chaudhuri B,Hui S Y R.Hardware and controlimplementation of electric springs for stabilizing futuresmart grid with intermittent renewable energy sources[J].IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics inPower Electronics,2013,1(1):18-27.(SCI期刊)