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2018/09/07225 作者:佚名
导读:自动焊锡机三度空间全方位调节,使烙铁和锡线均不需经作业员之手,它完全代替了您的双手,手臂可以调整至您想要的任意焊接之位,那么自动焊锡机常见的三个原理是什么呢?且听焊锡机常见创盈时代为你来一一解答。 The automatic tin so


The automatic tin soldering machine adjusts the three dimensional space to make the solder and tin line do not need the operator's hand. It completely takes the place of your hands. The arm can be adjusted to any position you want. So what are the three principles of the automatic solder machine? Listen to the soldering machine common chuangying times for you to answer.


First, the diffusion principle: with the wetting, the mutual diffusion between the solder and the metal atom of the parent material begins to occur. Usually the atom is in the thermal vibrational state of the lattice lattice, once the temperature rises. The atomic activity intensifies, so that the atoms between melted solder and the parent material cross the contact surface to enter the lattice lattice of the other side. The speed and the number of atoms move depend on the heating temperature and time. The phenomenon that we can see clearly in the process of rewelding is the flow of tin wire after melting.


Environmental conditions that cause wetting: the surface of the welded material must be clean, and no oxide or contaminants are available. The image of the image is that the water drops to the lotus leaf to form water, that is, water can not moisten the lotus. The water drops to the cotton, and the water penetrates into the cotton, which is the water that moisten the cotton.


Three, metallurgy combination principle: as solder and base metal interdiffusion between the 2 metals in the formation of a middle layer - metal compound, to obtain good solder joint, is welded between the base metal and solder must form a metal compound, so that the base material to achieve a combination of state firm metallurgy. It's like steelmaking, and a variety of metals are melted together. Therefore, we can say that only by understanding these principles, can we use automatic soldering machine to weld well. After all, the automatic solder machine is also developed based on the principle of artificial welding.





