英文名称:BC Decoration Material (Shenzhen) Co., Limited.
乾元装饰材料(深圳)有限公司的主要产品有铝天花吊顶:铝扣板(暗架天花),铝跌级板(明架天花),铝方通,铝条扣(C扣,U扣,S扣,V扣,G扣,D扣),铝圆管天花,铝挂片天花(水滴,子弹头,7型挂片等); 铝幕墙板,铝蜂窝板,铝勾搭板。主要产品英文表示:Aluminum ceiling tiles: clip-in, lay-in, tube, pipe, strip, grille, blade; Aluminum curtain wall panel: aluminum panel, honeycomb panel, mesh panel, hook-on panel...
我们的口号是做最好的天花整合者:Be the best ceiling integrator! 我们产品多样,有常规规格,也可以定制尺寸。包装logo也可以接受定制。We have so many kinds of products to meet your requirement, we have no MOQ limitation for normal product.