GB/T 193 普通螺纹—直径与螺距系列(GB/T 193-2003,ISO 261:1998,MOD) GB/T 196 普通螺纹—基本尺寸(GB/T 196-2003,ISO 724:1993,MOD GB/T 755 旋转电机—定额和性能(GB/T 755-2008,IEC60034-1:2004,IDT) GB/T 3216 回转动力泵—水力性能验收试验—1级、2级和3级(GB/T 3216-2016,ISO 9906:2012,IDT) GB/T 3768 声学—声压法测定噪声源声功率级和声能量级—采用反射面上方包络测量面的简易法(GB/T 3768-2017,ISO 3746:2010,IDT) GB/T 6391-2010 滚动轴承—额定动载荷和额定寿命(ISO 281:2007,IDT) GB/T 6557 挠性转子机械平衡的方法和准则(GB/T 6557-2009,ISO 11342:1998,IDT) GB/T 7307 55°非密封管螺纹(GB/T 7307-2001,ISO 228-1:1994,MOD) GB/T 8196 机械安全—防护装置—固定式和活动式防护装置设计与制造一般要求(GB/T 8196-2003,ISO 14120:2002,MOD) GB/T 8923(所有部分) 涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理—表面清洁度的目视评定[SO8501(所有部分)] GB/T 9144 普通螺纹—优选系列(GB/T 9144-2003,ISO 262:1998,MOD) GB/T 9239.1 机械振动—恒态(刚性)转子平衡品质要求—第1部分:规范与平衡允差的检验(GB/T 9239.1-2006,ISO 1940-1:2003,IDT) GB/T 19867(所有部分) 金属材料焊接工艺规程及评定—焊接工艺规程[ISO 15609(所有部分)] GB/T 20972.1 石油天然气—工业油气开采中用于含硫化氢环境的材料—第1部分:选择抗裂纹材料的一般原则(GB/T 20972.1-2007,ISO 15156-1:2001,IDT) GB/Z 32458 输送黏性液体的离心泵—性能修正(GB/Z32458-2015,ISO/TR 1776:2005,IDT) GB/T 34875-2017 离心泵和转子泵用轴封系统(ISO 21049:2004,IDT) GB/T 35147 石油天然气—工业机械动力传输挠性联轴器—一般用途(GB/T 35147-2017,ISO 14691:2008,MOD) ISO 7-1 螺纹上有压力密封接头的管螺纹—第1部分:标记、尺寸和公差(Pipe threads wherepressure-tight joints are made on the threads-part 1:Demensions, tolerances and desig ISO 286(所有部分) ISO 极限和配合体系(ISO system of limits and fits) ISO 965(所有部分) 一般用途米制螺纹—公差(ISO geneal- purpose metric screw threads—Tol ISO 3117 切向键和键槽(Tangential keys and keyways) ISO 4200 焊缝及无缝(无螺纹)平端钢管—尺寸和单位长度质量(Plain end steel tubes,weldednd seamless—General tables of dimensions and masses per unit length) ISO 5753 滚动轴承—游隙(Rolling bearing—Radial internal clearance) ISO 7005-1 金属法兰—第1部分:工业管道系统和通用管道系统用钢法兰(Metallic flanges—Part 1:Steel flanges for industrial and general service piping systems) ISO 7005-2 金属法兰—第2部分:铸铁法兰(Metallic flanges—Part2:Cast iron flanges) ISO 9606(所有部分) 焊工的认可考试—熔焊(Approval testing of welders—Fusion welding) ISO 10438:2007(所有部分) 石油、石化和天然气工业—润滑、轴封和控油系统及辅助设备(Petroleum,petrochemical and natural gas industries—Lubrication,shaft-sealing and control-oil systemsand auxiliaries) ISO 10441 石油、石化和天然气工业—机械动力传输用弹性联轴器—特殊应用(Petrolerochemical and natural gas industries—Flexible couplings for mechanical power transmission—Special-purpose applications) ISO 10721-2 钢结构—第2部分:制造和安装(Steel structures—Part2:Fabrication and erection) ISO 15649 石油和天然气—工业管道(Petroleum and natural gas industries—Piping) IEC 60034-2-1 旋转电机—第2-1部分:通过试验测定损耗和效率的标准方法(不包括牵引车辆用电机[Rotating electrical machines—Part 2-1:Standard methods for determining losses and efficiencyfrom tests (excluding machines for traction vehicles) IEC 60079(所有部分) 爆炸性气体环境电气设备(Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres) EN 953 机械安全—防护装置—固定和移动防护装置构造和设计的一般要求(Safety of machiy—Guards—General requirements for the design and construction of fixed and movable guards) EN 13445(所有部分) 不用火加热的压力容器(Unfired pressure vessels) EN 13463-1 潜在爆炸性空气中使用的非电气设备—第1部分:基本方法和要求(Non-electricalequipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres—Part 1:Basic method and requirements) ANSI/ABMA 7 米制径向球轴承和滚子轴承(锥形滚柱轴承除外)用轴和轴承座的配合(与基本平面图相符合[Shaft and Housing Fits for Metric Radial Ball and Roller Bearings( Except TaperedRoller Bearings) Conforming to Basic Boundary Plan] ANS/AGMA 9000 弹性联轴器—潜在不平衡的分类(Flexible Couplings—PotentialUnbalance Classification) ANSI/AGMA 9002 弹性联轴器的镗孔和键槽(英制系列)[Bores and Keyways for Flexible Couplings(Inch Series)] ANSI/AMT B15.1 机械动力传动装置用安全标准(Safety Standard for Mechanical Power Transmission Apparatus) ANSI/API Std 541 鼠笼式模绕感应电动机—500马力及更大(Form-Wound Squirrel- Cage Induction Motors—500 Horsepower and Larger) ANSI/API Std 611 石油、石化和天然气工业用汽轮机(Generl-Purpose Steam Turbines for Ptroleum,Chemical and Gas Industry Services) ANSI/API Std 670 机械保护系统(Machinery Protection Systems) ANSI/ API Std 671/ISO 10441 石油、化工和天然气工业特殊用途联轴器(Special Purpose Couplings for Petroleum,Chemical and Gas Industry Services) ANSI/ ASME B1.1 统一英制螺纹,UN和UNR螺纹形式(Unified Inch Screw Threads,UNand UNR Thread Form) ANSI/ASME B16.1 灰口铸铁管法兰及法兰配件:25、125和250级(Gray Iron Pipe Flanges andFlanged Fittings:Classes 25,125 and 250) ANSI/ASME B16.5 管法兰及法兰配件:NPS1/2至NPS24米制/英制标准(Pipe Flanges anFlanged Fittings:NPS 1/2 through NPS 24 Metric/Inch Standard) ANSI/ASME B16.11 锻造钢配件,承插焊和螺纹连接(Forged Steel Fittings,Socket-weldingand threaded) ANSI/ASME B16.42 球墨铸铁管法兰和法兰配件,150和300级(Ductile Iron Pipe Flanges andFlanged Fittings,Classes 150 and 300) ANSI/ASME B16.47 大直径钢法兰:NPS26-NPS60(Larger Diameter Steel Flanges:NPS26 Through NPS 60) ANSI/ASME B18.18.2M 大容量机组用紧固件的检验和质量保证(Inspection and Quality Assurance for High-volume Machine Assem bly Fasteners) ANS/ASME B31.3 工艺管线(Process Piping) ANSI/HI 1.6 离心泵试验(Centrifugal Tests) ANSI/HI 2.6 立式泵试验用美国国家标准(American National Standard for Vertical PumpTests) API Std 547 通用鼠笼式缠绕感应电动机—250马力及更大(General-purpose Form-Wound Squirrel Cage Induction Motors—250 Horsepower and Larger) API Std 677 石油、化工和天然气工业通用齿轮箱系统(General-purpose Gear Units for Petroleum,Chemical and Gas Industry Services) ASME 锅炉和压力容器规范BPVC—第V卷,无损检测(Boiler and pressure vessel code BPVO,Section V,Nondestructive Examination) ASME 锅炉和压力容器规范BPVC—第Ⅷ卷,压力容器建造规则(Boiler and pressure vessel code BPVC,Section V,Rules for Construction of Pressure vessels) ASME 锅炉和压力容器规范BPVC—第Ⅸ卷,焊接和钎焊评定(Boiler and pressure vessel code BPVC,Section X,Welding and Brazing Qualifications) DIN 910 重型六角头螺塞(Heavy-duty hexagon head screw plugs) IEEE 841 石油、化工工业IEEE标准—全封闭风扇冷却式(TEFC)重载鼠笼式感应电动机—小于或等于370kW(500hp)[IEEE Standard for Petroleum and Chemical Industry—SevereDuty Totally Enclosed Fan-Cooled(TEFC)Squirrel Cage Induction Motors—Up to and Including(500hp)] MSS SP-55 阀门、法兰、管件和其他管道部件用铸钢件质量标准—表面缺陷评定的目视检验方法(Quality Standard for Steel Castings for Valves,Flanges and Fittings and Other Piping Components—Visual Method for Evaluation of Surface Irregularities) NACE MR0103 石油精炼的腐蚀环境下耐硫化物应力开裂的材料(Materials Resistant to Sulfide Stress Cracking in Corrosive Petroleum Refining Environments) NFPA 70:2008 国家电气规范(National electrical Code) SSPC SP6 工业级喷砂清理(Commercial Blast Cleaning) |