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2022/07/1560 作者:佚名
导读:D P Kothari is Professor, Centre for Energy Studies,Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi He hasbeen Head of the Centre for Energy Studies(1995-97) and Principal (1997-98) VisvesvarayaRegional Enginee

D P Kothari is Professor, Centre for Energy Studies,Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi He hasbeen Head of the Centre for Energy Studies(1995-97) and Principal (1997-98) VisvesvarayaRegional Engineering College, Nagpur He has been Director-incharge, liT Delhi (2005), Deputy Director (Admn ) (2003-2006) Earlier (1982-83 and 1989), he was a visiting fellow at RMIT,Melbourne, Australia He obtained his BE, ME and Ph D degrees from BITS, Pilani A fellow of the Institution of Engineers (India), fellow of National Academy of Engineering,fellow of National Academy of Sciences, Senior Member IEEE, Member IEE,Life Member ISTE, Professor Kothari has published/presented around 500papers in national and international journals/conferences He has authored/co-authored more than 18 books, including Power System Optimization, ModernPower System Analysis, Electric Machines, Power System Transients, Theoryand Problems of Electric Machines and Basic Electrical Engineering Hisresearch interests include power system control, optimization, reliability andenergy conservation He has received the National Khosla award for LifetimeAchievements in Engineering for 2005 from liT Roorkee


