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2022/07/15132 作者:佚名
导读:Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Research Motivations and Contributions 1.2 Research Framework and Structure Chapter 2 Background to the Chinese Housing Market 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Overview of the Chinese H

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Research Motivations and Contributions

1.2 Research Framework and Structure

Chapter 2 Background to the Chinese Housing Market

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Overview of the Chinese Housing Market Development

2.3 Chinese Housing Reform

2.3.1 The Development of Housing Policy

2.3.2 The Development of Other Relevant Policies

2.4 Achievements of Chinese Housing Reform

2.4.1 The Diversification of Chinese Housing Types and Home Ownership Ratio

2.4.2 Demand and Supply Sides of Housing Market

2.4.3 Residential Investments

2.4.4 Per Capita Housing Space

2.5 The Major Problems of the Chinese Housing Market

2.5.1 Housing Inequities for Householders with Different Income

2.5.2 Lack of Sufficient Affordable House or Low-Rent Housing Supply

2.5.3 Principal-Agent Problem

2.6 Summary of the Chinese Housing Market

Chapter 3 Empirical Analysis of Determinants of China's Homing Market

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Literature Review

3.2.1 The Impact Factors of Chinese House Prices

3.2.2 Methodologies and Models of Chinese House Prices

3.2.3 Summary of Literature Review

3.3 Methodology

3.3.1 Basic Model

3.3.2 Fixed Effects and Random Effects

3.3.3 2SLS or Instrumental Variables Estimator

3.3.4 Difference GMM and System GMM Method

3.3.5 Tests for Overidentification and Autocorrelation

3.3.6 The Long-run Equilibrium of DPD Model

3.4 Data Source and Description

3.5 Empirical Results

3.5.1 System GMM Estimations

3.5.2 Robustness Checks

3.6 Conclusion

Chapter 4 Testing the Convergence and Ripple Effects of Regional House Prices in China

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Literature Review

4.2.1 Literature on the Convergence and Ripple Effects of Regional House Prices Worldwide

4.2.2 Literature on the Convergence and Ripple Effects of Regional House Prices in China

4.3 Methodology

4.3.1 Unit Root Tests

4.3.2 σ-convergence and/β-convergence

4.3.3 Cointegration Tests

4.3.4 Panel Regression Model for Ripple Effects

4.3.5 Granger Causality Tests

4.3.6 Conclusion of Methodology

4.4 Data Description and Transformation

4.4.1 Data Description

4.4.2 Data Transformation

4.5 Empirical Results

4.5.1 Results of Unit Root Tests

4.5.2 Results of σ-/β-convergence

4.5.3 Results of Cointegration Tests

4.5.4 Results of Panel Regression Models

4.5.5 Results of Granger Causality Tests

4.6 Conclusion

Chapter 5 Housing and Life Satisfaction in Urban China

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Literature Review

5.3 Data Sources and Data Description

5.4 Methodology

5.5 Empirical Results

5.5.1 The Effects on Housing Satisfaction

5.5.2 The Effects on Overall Happiness

5.5.3 The Effects on Overall Happiness of Including Housing Satisfaction as an Explanatory Variable

5.5.4 The Effects on Overall Happiness Using the Predicted Value of Housing Satisfaction

5.5.5 The Money Equivalent Effects of Housing Conditions on Overall Happiness

5.6 Conclusion

Chapter 6 Conclusion

6.1 Main Empirical Findings

6.2 Implications

6.3 Further Research




