2006年 集成吊顶行业起步阶段,作为传统浴霸的换代升级产品。主要表现为扣板与电器的简单组合。
At the initial step of integrated ceiling,as a replacement for traditional bath-heater products,it maily has a simple combination of buckle plate and electrical device.
2007年 产品呈现多元化与系列化,花色品种更多,能满足大多数消费者个性化厨卫吊顶需求。
Products have diversifications and serialized products.They have more varieties of colors which can meet personalized kitchen and toilet ceiling demands of most consumers.
2008年 更个性化,更注重品质感与环保材料,从电器产品到扣板的色彩与质感能满足橱柜、墙砖等整体搭配的需求,与家庭的装修风格更匹配。
They are more human.they put emphasis on quality sense and envirenmental materials.The color and texture of buckle plate and electrical devices can meet the collocation requirements of cabinets and wall tilts.
2009年 铝合金型材电器盛行,印刷技术大规模运用于集成吊顶扣板。
Aluminum alloy electrical prevailing,printing technique is large—scale used in integrated ceiling.
2010年 空调型风暖与碳纤维风暖局逐步成熟,仿古风潮席卷集成吊顶行业,新的印刷技术促进了吊顶与瓷砖的完美搭配。
At the initial step of integrated ceiling,as a replacement for traditional bath-heater products,it maily has a simple combination of buckle plate and electrical device.