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2022/07/16216 作者:佚名
导读:例如:10000/年的主机一台,由20个用户共同合租,即每个用户500元/年。 最早的合租服务器是由个人发起的,其灵感大概是来自于团购,只不过形式上稍有些不同。到后期这种服务器多人购买方式已经发展成为一项独立业务,不少专业从事服务器合租的公司就是扮演一个合租发起人和组织调配者的角色,专门负责寻找若干个需要使用网络空间的朋友共同租用一台服务器,积累一定资金后开通,由这些合租服务器的公司来分配开通前预




what is the sharing server

Sharing server that is shared by the co-tenant or the sponsors of the League to find a number of web servers requires the use of individuals or groups to rent a network server, each joining enjoy basically the same server resources, by sharing or sharing alliance the initiator of the representatives of user groups to rent the host, host of resources by all users equally distributed, for example: 10000 / year host one by 20 users sharing a common, that is, each user is 500 yuan / year.

The original co-tenant server is initiated by individuals, and its inspiration is probably from the buy, but somewhat different form. To such a server more than the latter purchase method has been developed into an independent business, specializing in server share a lot of companies that play the role of a sponsor and organize the deployment of sharing the role, responsible for a number of specialized need to use cyberspace friends rented a server, the accumulation of certain funds launched by these companies to share the server before the scheduled opening of the distribution of the size of the space, IIS, bandwidth, FTP accounts, etc., each of the members sharing the enjoyment of website hosting services and certain senior management authority, the late-sharing between the various servers for some adjustments (for example, to install WEB components) from the deployment were to arrange the operation in order to avoid the operation of a user as a result of errors affect the normal use of all users At the same time, in order to prevent vandalism, the deployment of those who also serve as the administrator's role; some IDC also included in scope of services will be co-tenant, IDC dispatched personnel to serve as sponsor and manage the deployment role.

Therefore, the existence of multiple forms sharing the server, and its practices are also not unified, in general, initiated by individuals greater flexibility in sharing server, members can be assigned to the authority and more, but the lack of a top management persons, prone to disputes, it is difficult to guarantee the security of servers; and 92 co-tenant, such as for example by the relevant professional bodies or sharing initiated by IDC server business organizations will have a manager come to complete the leasing act, and on behalf of maintenance management , which can effectively put an end to disputes, improve the success rate of sharing and can share a code of conduct to ensure orderly, and ensure the continued integrity of the contract, the maximum co-tenant to ensure that all human rights are protected.


