2005年,主编主讲的一门课程“测绘学基础”(过去称为“地形测量学”或“普通测量学”,现在亦称“数字测图原理与方法”)被评为辽宁省本科精品课程,却苦于没有配套的英文教材进行双语教学。当时虽设法搜集了英、美等国家高校类似的教材,但其涉及的知识体系和内容与我国测绘学科对该门课程的教学要求相去甚远,完全不适应中国国情和测绘工程专业的实际情况。为此,我们只好自行编写了一部符合国内测绘专业使用的英文教材“Fundamentals of Geomatics in English”。到2009年,将其作为内部双语教学的教材先后修改和印制了3次,在测绘工程、地理信息系统和资源环境与城乡规划管理3个本科专业的“测绘学基础”课程教学中试用了10个学期。
编 者
Nowadays, more and more attention has been paid to the subject Geo-Spatial Information Science or Geomatics. It mainly includes the 3-S techniques, that is, GNSS (global navigation satellite system), GIS (geographic information system), and RS (remote sensing), together with its two supporting technologies—computers and communications used to collect, measure, analyze, store, manage, display, and distribute geo-spatial data. Geomatics is a preceding field in earth science and it is a significant element in geographic information science.
It is still in its infant period, an integrated theoretical structure is badly in need of being built. Particularly the techniques for geo-spatial data collection, storage, management, representation, and distribution want also to be developed.
In order to introduce the principal technology and knowledge of modern surveying theory and practice, this English version is published and referred currently to as “Fundamentals of Geomatics”, namely “Elementary Surveying and Mapping”. Since the new term, Geomatics, is now generally accepted in a majority of countries worldwide, and is consistent with modern theory and practice as currently evolving in China, it is an advisable addition to the textbook’s title. It is expected that this version will not only meet the needs of higher education in the bilingual teaching for the specialty of surveying and mapping, but be suitable for the engineers of spatial data users in various other engineering fields.
The authors\compilers have developed a professional level text designed mainly for sophomore students majored in Surveying and Mapping Engineering, Geographical Information System, and Urban and Rural Planning and Resource Management, and endeavored to present a readable text that provides basic concepts and practical knowledge in each of the areas fundamental to modern surveying (geomatics) practicality. The textbook introduces primary theory and practice in surveying engineering, but its depth and breadth also make it ideal for professional surveyors in self-study. Throughout the text, the authors/compilers have maintained its consistence with all relevant professional standards.
Meanwhile, this book tries to emphasize the theory and practice in topographical survey because it is the integrated application of elementary surveying knowledge. Students are hoped to learn deep into the subject in the other courses such as Geodetic Surveying, Photogrammetry, Survey Adjustment, Global Positioning System, Remote Sensing, Engineering Surveying, Mining Surveying, Cadastration, Cartography, Geographical Information System, Route Survey and so on in the junior and senior years. At the end of each chapter, there are a number of exercises closely related to the chief topics. Completing both the students and other readers can review the key points in teaching and promote one’s capability of analyzing and resolving problems.
For the sake of improving future editions, the authors/compilers will gratefully accept any workable suggestions or constructive criticisms from all the users including the surveyors in various fields, the university faculties and students.
MA, Zhenli