这种照相机体积小巧,使用120胶卷,每卷拍摄12张.画幅为60×60毫米的方片.相机上装有由德国蔡司公司设计生产的f35和f28天塞镜头.采用照相机顶部磨沙玻璃CDCD取景和调焦的装置.该相机的最大特点是成像质量高,相机结构精密,操纵简便. RolleiFlexcamera referred to as .1928opticaltechnology in France Carolina produced the world's first dual-lens reflex 120 camera. This camera is compact, using 120 film, shooting 12 per volume. Frame 60 × 60 mm square chip. camera is equipped with a Carl Zeiss designed by the German production of f35 and f28 Tessar. CDCD using the camera at the top of frosted glass, framing and focusing device. The camera's maximum image quality is characterized by high the camera structure, precise, easy to manipulate.