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2022/07/1670 作者:佚名
导读:十种流行的中户型室内设计手法 Interior Design Style Top 10 绝妙分隔,中户变大户 Excellent Space Compartment 中户型的家具如何选用 How to Choose Furniture 中户型的家具如何摆设 How to Place Furniture Case 1 主题空间的文化情结 Cuiture Love Knot in the Theme

十种流行的中户型室内设计手法 Interior Design Style Top 10

绝妙分隔,中户变大户 Excellent Space Compartment

中户型的家具如何选用 How to Choose Furniture

中户型的家具如何摆设 How to Place Furniture

Case 1 主题空间的文化情结 Cuiture Love Knot in the Theme Room

Case 2 跟珍藏品同一屋檐 Living with Collectibles

Case 3 几何家园 Home of Geometry

Case 4 透明着生活 Live without Obstruct

Case 5 家居软木情结 Soltwood Love Knot in Interior Design

Case 6 情迷东南亚风情 Lost in the Southeast Asia

Case 7 彩虹天堂 Rainbow in the Heaven

Case 8 飘逸脱俗神仙居所 Super Being's House

Case 9 当时尚恋上传统 When Fashion Fallsin Love with Tradition

Case 10 走近禅境 Close to the Zen Sanctuary

Case 11 梦回伊甸园 Dream Back to the Eden

Case 12 可以呼吸的空间 A Room fox Breathin8

Case 13 简爱空间 Simpie Room of Love

Case l4 璀璨的现代雅居 Brisht Modern House

Case 15 心灵城堡 Castk for Heart

Case 16 酒香,飘满柔媚之居 Aroma of Wine Fillsin the Genfle and Lovely Home

Case 17 优质生活 High Quality Life

Case 18 舒适自然人文居 ComfortaGle Living,Natural Humanity

Case 19 玻璃物语 All about Glass

Case 20 幽幽古韵,慢板生活 Slow Life in Fascinate Ancient

Case 21 欧式简约不简单 European Simple Style Refuses Pale

Case 22 林中的花仙子之家 Flower Faerie's House in the Wood

Case 23 藤香满屋自然居 Natuml House Full of Vine

附录 Appendix

家居工程装修预算表(范本) Budget Sheet2100433B


